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Op-Ed: Mainstream Media’s Narrative On Uprising In Cuba Is A Lie; Exposing Journalist Arrested, Internet Turned Off In Cuba. Where Is Joe Biden?


FORT LAUDERDALE, FL – The American fake news media would have you believe that the uprising of the Cuban people is based on their demands for vaccinations. This is a lie.

The people are revolting because they want basic human freedoms, human rights, food and fuel. In fact, exposing the entire crackdown by the Cuban government, Dina Stars, a very effective, young YouTuber, was literally arrested by the police state in the middle of an interview.

The internet has been turned off in Cuba. Where is Joe Biden?

“They don’t want anyone to tell the world what is happening. They’ve cut off the internet,” Cubalex, a nonprofit that provides legal assistance to Cuban citizens and advocates for human rights, wrote in a tweet Tuesday afternoon.

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