This is not about lack of access to vaccines, it’s about lack of access to freedom and liberty for the Cuban people.

WEST PALM BEACH, FL – The crisis in Cuba is nothing new. Since the bloody takeover by Communist revolutionaries Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the Cuban people have been under the boot of an increasingly brutal Communist regime, who are more focused on the accumulation of power and violent use of the state against the citizenry.
This is a hallmark of Communist and Marxist policies in action. For decades, the oppressive Cuban regime has been able to maim, murder or muzzle their political opposition. What we have seen over the past few days is an anomaly and a sign from God that demands all freedom loving people’s attention. The Cuban people are not fighting for political power, they are fighting for their right of self-determination and the principle of absolute freedom. Simply put, the Cuban people have had enough and decided that they are willing to put their lives on the line in an inspiring cry for help.
Three generations of my family fled Cuba in 1958, escaping the Castro family and their allies, who are nothing more than murderous Marxists. So many Cubans have fled the island to become legal United States citizens because they know that we are the freest and most prosperous nation on earth. We Cubans, especially in South Florida, came out in support for President Donald Trump because we knew he understood the drastic differences between Communism and total freedom.
As the protests continue to grow, we have to ask ourselves what can we do THIS TIME that will change the equation? If we do nothing, today and tomorrow’s protesters will be six-feet-under in short order, murdered by the Communist Cuban state. Not only will they lose their lives, the calls for liberty will dwindle, before their bodies even hit the ground.
That is why President Biden and the United States government needs to take direct and decisive action to free the Cuban people. Give them the opportunity of freedom, so that they may forge their own path, undeterred by Communist and Marxist oppression. With that opportunity, they will do what so many of us have done before them, including myself; they will harness the power of entrepreneurialism and become part of the fabric of America.
Libera Cuba. Libera al pueblo. BORAR EL COMUNISMO.
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