Newly-Discovered Video Allegedly Features Hunter Biden Smoking Crack Cocaine On-Camera

In the video – whose exact timeline is unclear – Hunter can be seen in what appears to be a hotel room talking on a speakerphone with Hallie Biden, widow of his brother Beau, whom Hunter dated between 2016 and 2019. Beau had passed away in 2015 from cancer.
In the video – whose exact timeline is unclear – Hunter can be seen in what appears to be a hotel room talking on a speakerphone with Hallie Biden, widow of his brother Beau, whom Hunter dated between 2016 and 2019. Beau had passed away in 2015 from cancer.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new video has been unearthed and is currently making the rounds on social media featuring Hunter Biden – the son of current President Joe Biden – recording himself on-camera smoking crack cocaine.

In the video – whose exact timeline is unclear – Hunter can be seen in what appears to be a hotel room talking on a speakerphone with Hallie Biden, widow of his brother Beau, whom Hunter dated between 2016 and 2019. Beau had passed away in 2015 from cancer.

Hunter, who appears unshaven, appears to be arguing with Hallie Biden during the phone call. As Hallie suggests that the two see a therapist, Hunter pulls out what appears to be a crack pipe and, using a lighter to ignite it, starts smoking the contents. At this point, Hallie appears to be left hanging – she can be heard making a noise, indicating that she’s still on the line – as Hunter stops talking for the remainder of the video. (

Hunter Biden has spent decades struggling with alcohol and drug addiction, going through periods of sobriety and serving several stints in rehab, only to fall off the wagon repeatedly.

Noting the unfortunate irony of Hunter’s past crack addiction, some users on social media dug up a 1991 video of his father, Joe Biden, when he was a senator in Delaware, praising the strict crack possession laws in his state at the time that he himself helped to pass. The users then took the footage of then-Senator Biden and edited it side-by-side with several different videos of his own son smoking the illicit substance.

“To have a piece of crack cocaine no bigger than this quarter that I’m holding in my hand – one quarter of one dollar – we passed a law with the leadership of Senator Thurman and myself and others, a law that says you’re caught with that you go to jail for five years,” Biden said in 1991 with a smile on his face, as video plays out next to him of a shirtless Hunter getting high on crack. “You get no probation; you get nothing other than five years in jail. The judge doesn’t have a choice.”

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“I don’t care why they became a sociopath,” Biden continues. “We are obligated to cordon them off from the rest of society. I don’t want to ask what made them do this. They must be taken off the street.”

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