COMPROMISED: Hannity Critical Of FBI Probe After Hunter Biden Admits Another “Lost” Laptop May Have Been Stolen by Russians As Blackmail

Sean Hannity Critical Of FBI Probe After Hunter Biden Admits
According to a 2019 video file Hunter Biden told a female companion that he had a laptop stolen from him the year before while he was passed out in a Vegas pool and noted that he was worried that they may be used to blackmail him while his father was running for president.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Fox News host Sean Hannity was highly critical of the FBI during his program on Wednesday evening, claiming that the agency did not thoroughly investigate Hunter Biden after it came out in the media this week that he had a laptop with potentially sensitive information stolen by Russian drug dealers while the president’s troubled son was on an extended Las Vegas bender in 2018.

Hannity noted that this was the third potentially compromising laptop that Hunter has lost, along with one that was allegedly left in a Delaware repair shop that contained evidence of corruption, and another one that was seized from the office of Massachusetts psychiatrist Keith Ablow.

Hannity claimed on Wednesday that he had been offered a copy of the Delaware laptop’s hard drive, but that his lawyers advised him not to accept it.

As for the most recent loss, a 2019 video file unearthed this week by The Daily Mail shows Hunter telling a female companion while having sex that he had a laptop stolen from him the year before while he was passed out in a Vegas pool and possibly suffering from a drug overdose. Hunter noted that he had multiple sex videos of himself on its hard drive, and was worried that they may be used to blackmail him while his father, Joe Biden, was running for president.

Based on this information, Hannity speculated that not only could Hunter be compromised at this point, but possibly President Biden as well.

“The Daily Mail has now released the shocking video of a naked Hunter,” he said. “It shows and suggests that Joe Biden himself may be compromised by the Russians.”

Based on that assumption, Hannity criticized the FBI, asking “Why has there been no arrest at this point?” over the loss of Hunter’s three laptops that the Fox News host claimed, according to sources, contains alleged evidence of corruption against the Bidens.

Reportedly back in 2019, talking with a woman about how he apparently had another laptop and it was stolen while he was drugged out in a hotel room and people were wondering if he was even alive,” Hannity said. “He references dealers that The Daily Mail is reporting are Russian, and saying the laptop had pictures of him engaged in sex acts and other of Hunter’s – let’s just call them ‘Hunter moments.’ Remember, this while dad was running for president. Big tech, they protect his father running for president, the candidate protection program.”

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