Horrific Hatchet Attack At ATM In Manhattan Caught On Video; Suspect Taken To Bellevue Hospital For Evaluation Of Mental Condition

The victim attempts to defend himself against the hatchet-wielding maniac, but is nonetheless struck multiple times and is soon covered in blood.
The victim attempts to defend himself against the hatchet-wielding maniac, but is nonetheless struck multiple times and is soon covered in blood. Footage first released by NY Post.

NEW YORK, NY – The crime wave in New York City continues as a horrific hatchet attack against a random man using a lower Manhattan bank ATM in broad daylight on Sunday was caught on surveillance video and just released to the media on Tuesday.

The video, which depicts a 51 year-old victim attempting to utilize an ATM machine in the front lobby of a Chase Bank on Broadway near Beaver Street in the Financial District at approximately 5:30 p.m. Suddenly, a mentally unbalanced man walks in, removes a hatchet from a backpack, sneaks up behind the victim, and proceeds to slice away at him without any provocation whatsoever.

The victim attempts to defend himself against the hatchet-wielding maniac, but is nonetheless struck multiple times and is soon covered in blood. Thankfully, the attacker suddenly turns his attention to the ATM machines, smashing three of their screens before finally leaving the hatchet and his backpack and walking out the lobby’s door, according to the footage.

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The injured victim was rushed to Bellevue Hospital’s intensive care unit, where he is currently listed as being in stable condition. When the media was allowed to briefly speak with the man, he was quoted as saying in Spanish “A man was there with a hatchet and [hit] my head…and my leg.”

Tuesday evening, just before 10 p.m., 10th Precinct police officers reportedly apprehended a 37 year-old man who was breaking multiple car windows near 19th Street and Seventh Avenue. Authorities stated that the suspect matched the description of the hatchet-wielding attacker, and was taken to Bellevue Hospital for an evaluation of his mental condition.

As of press time, the suspect has not yet been charged with a crime, reports say.

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