Biden Approval Ratings Take Dive Amid COVID Surges, Botched Afghanistan Pullout

Biden Approval Ratings
According to three separate polls approximately 45 percent of Americans approved of the job that Biden was doing in the White House, and 49 percent said that they disapproved; this represents an overall drop of six points from where Biden was polling in June.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After enduring criticism recently on a number of fronts – from the United States’ botched withdrawal in Afghanistan to a surge of COVID-19 cases and a slowing economy – President Joe Biden has found his approval ratings taking a hit according to several recently-released surveys.

Since taking office in late January, Biden’s approval rating has been in the low-to-mid 50s, but amid the news of his administration’s disastrous troop pullout and evacuation from Afghanistan – including a suicide bombing in Kabul that left 13 U.S. service members dead – and new COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant that have brought back mask mandates, the president’s numbers have taken a dive.

Currently, according to three separate polls conducted by RealClearPoliticsFiveThirtyEight, and ABC News/Washington Post, approximately 45 percent of Americans approved of the job that Biden was doing in the White House, and 49 percent said that they disapproved; this represents an overall drop of six points from where Biden was polling in June.

In addition, over half of those polled – 51 percent – said that they disapproved of how Bidden was handling his duties as president, an increase of 9 points from June.

According to ABC News director of polling Gary Langer, only two presidents in history have held lower approval ratings at this point in their terms than Biden: Donald Trump polled at 37 percent in August 2017, and Gerald Ford at 37 percent in March 1975.

In terms of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Americans polled indicated that only 30 percent approved of how Biden conducted it, as opposed to 60 percent that disapproved; Most of those questioned did support the troop pullout from the beleaguered South Asian country, but most felt that the Biden Administration had bungled it completely.

In addition, 44 percent polled felt that the U.S. was now less safe from terrorism and expressed fears that ISIS or al Qaeda may regain a foothold in Afghanistan with the Taliban back in control.

Biden’s support among Democrats has slipped as well, with him falling to an 86 percent approval rating from a high of 94 percent; however, the president’s disapproval rating among Republicans has remained relatively unchanged, still hovering at 89 percent.

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