Op-Ed: The Target Generation – Prologue to Tyranny

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. – Abraham Lincoln. The weapon in use by the left is Critical Race Theory.
CLEVELAND, OH – I received an emailed flyer, an announcement from an educator, its opening sentence an inquiry asking if we were aware of our biases, attitudes and stereotypes. It reminded me of that unanswerable question, “Have you stopped beating your wife?” Both a “yes” and a “no” condemn.
This was an outreach to a course that would introduce us to Critical Race Theory (CRT), an anti-American and anti-white/Christian movement that is making great strides through our schools (K-12 plus higher education), our media, news sources, and armed services. CRT is a Marxist discipline that, by identifying biases and prejudices, regardless of whether they actually exist, sows the seeds of hatred and division, capturing and training the minds of many to fixate on the meaningless and disengage from what truly matters – a good education to navigate and live well in the world. With only so many hours in the day, the old lessons are being laid aside to allow for the divisiveness to flourish, teaching that there are only two kinds of people, victims and victimizers, oppressed and oppressors, the downtrodden people of color and the exalted, advantaged whites. There are no winners in this dogma; that’s not the intent.
An associate professor of psychology at a Florida college will be leading the class described as a workshop about Implicit Bias (IB), an unconscious bias toward an individual or group based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The workshop will attempt to define Implicit Bias; examine its origins; review its effect in education, justice, and management systems; and offer additional resources for studying and evaluating personal Implicit Bias. The monster is conjured out of thin air and the professors will help us slay it – for a fee and political motive.
Prior to the introduction of these ideas, people of all ages befriended each other because of common interests and circumstances, which is verifiable by the ever-increasing number of intermarriages and the variety of ethnicities in the workplace and neighborhoods. But these superficial differences must now be taught in order to denigrate and demolish the past and make way for a new society of compliant drones.
Left to our own, we naturally form opinions over the years because of our experiences and influences, not unreasonably. As we grow and live, we are expected to face options and make decisions – our selection of activities, friends, reading material, schools, careers and jobs, marriage partners, homes, stores we patronize and items we purchase – everything! That doesn’t mean our opinions are set in stone, as each new contact or experience may affect a previous view, but it is expected that by the time anyone reaches adulthood, (s)he should have amassed an immeasurable number of ideas about almost everything. Sacha Guitrey is credited for saying “Wisdom comes from experience, and our experiences come from our foolishness.”
But this class purports to be superior to a mere conveyance for wisdom. It is, ominously, a means of manipulating ideas and behaviors, teaching that one’s encounters and ideas must not be accepted carte blanche, that we must disregard our senses and allow others to control the narrative for the greater good. The so-called “noble purpose” is always wielded to gain control.
This insidious theory eradicates our G-d-given free will and aims to turn us into mindless, malleable, and obedient subjects of the powerful elite. If we cannot validate our own opinions, then what have we learned at all? Should we live day by day and remain incapable of assessing anything? Should we be so fearful of opining that conversation is discouraged? And if we think and act alike, would we not have sameness instead of diversity, boredom instead of variety, stagnation instead of the individual’s growth and the satisfaction that comes through talent and achievement? But in the world of CRT, talent and achievement must be neutralized for the sake of uniformity and in the dubious interest of equity – equality of outcome. Call it what they will, this would result in the dominion of tyranny.
Surely, we must learn to judge whether something or someone is good or evil, right or wrong, fair or unjust, so that we might live in harmony with our fellow man. If we are wrong to judge, then we are as mindless as the lowly amoeba. God meant us to use our free will and to think, consider the options, and decide our own paths. We are meant to weigh what to do under various circumstances, including to run from danger, but also to help others in need. The Commandments caution to not bear false witness, but in order to protect others and contribute to a moral society, we must certainly bear witness.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., advised that we shall judge people by the content of their character. Today’s Woke authoritarians judge by the color of one’s skin – a superficiality that accords with the selective extermination program of Hitler’s imperialists.
The course invitation has a negative overtone, using “bias” instead of “opinion” to put us on the defensive and shut us down. This results in our backing off lest we utter something that will be criticized, just as the Woke politicos have curbed our thoughts, redefined much in our vocabulary, and limited the interchange of ideas on the Internet. The purpose is to make people feel vulnerable and defensive, choosing to retreat and comply for acceptance, With all the fearmongering surrounding the Covid virus, wearing masks that shroud our expressions, the nearly-mandatory injections while suppressing medicines proven effective, threats of job loss and isolation, there come more control and the surrender of freedom in the name of security.
I admit to not having the lesson plan, but CRT is based on introducing ways of making people ashamed of what they are, thereby allowing themselves to be intimidated and controlled.
There are many ways of achieving control. Islam does so by keeping its people suppressed and ignorant; Nazism did so by exalting a certain group to the level of ubermenschen/supermen. The ultimate cost to both groups is the loss of humanity.
In America, the first among nations to legalize freedom and equality for all, we have a group of progressives, Marxists, that is working diligently to dominate our society. The Boards of Education have changed the history books to discredit America and erase the ideals we set for ourselves. The learning process has been so destroyed that we have finally reached a point where Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown signed into law that students may graduate without proof that they can read, write, or do math. Students across America are being prepared for nothing but submission to the state for menial, mindless labor and communist social-justice issues.
With the dwindling threat of climate change, since alarming deadlines passed with no discernible disaster, the biases of personal characteristics are always the go-to guarantor of success. Skin color and religion are the indictments as current today as they’ve been in the past, the attributes that the undereducated respond to most readily. Presented in every class, all day long, the children are submerged in their differences, what demeans and makes groups vulnerable, each in its own way. The pupils of color are taught that they are worthless victims of the whites, and the whites are taught that they are innately evil and the cause of all wrongdoings. Everyone is deemed without value and burdened with anxiety about what it takes to undo their inferiority and liability. Having already been deprived of God and prayers, of the cohesive family, their heritage, their genders, their desires and ability to produce the next generation, they become willing to self-annihilate, if not yet literally, then figuratively to be the last of their lineage.
If they’ve dropped climate change, they discuss over-population, with Bill Gates’s assurance that he hopes to depopulate the world and has the means to do it.
Fears abound: the dangers of food scarcity, while stipulating that we should not be eating beef and its dairy products, chicken and fish. There’s always vegetarianism, except that Gates and China have purchased enormous acreage of agricultural land. Gates says we will eat engineered meat from insects, or the migrants who come by the tens of thousands – shades of Soylent Green.
The elite have found their niche, and they’re playing it for all its worth. The young are the Target Generation.
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