WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.) is one of a group of ten members of the House of Representatives backing a bill called the “Natural Immunity Is Real Act,” which if passed would require federal agencies to take into account naturally acquired immunity from previous COVID-19 infection when issuing any regulations or mandates regarding the virus.
The “Natural Immunity Is Real Act” is a companion to a similar bill recently introduced in the Senate, and according to Rep. Diana Harshbarger (R-TN) – who introduced the House version of the bill late last week – there is significant evidence that those who have recovered from a COVID-19 infection develop antibodies that can be in many ways as effective as a vaccine against re-infection.
“There’s ample scientific studies that show that natural immunity is absolutely one of the best things you could have…and some studies even show that it’s more effective [than vaccination],” Harshbarger said while interviewed on NTD’s “Capitol Report.”
Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL) has co-sponsored the bill, and said that it is not an anti-vaccine measure, but just a means of allowing people to have options when it comes to their personal health instead of having to adhere to governmental vaccination mandates.
“It’s just saying there are other options than just a vaccine,” he said. “This is not anti-vaccine, [it’s] just a realization that there are other things going on out there and we have to accept there are other immunities from having the disease.”
The bill does not detail how natural immunity will be determined.
President Donald Trump recently endorsed Harshbarger and has endorsed nearly 40 other Republicans running in races this year and next.
While claims that natural immunity can be very effective and valid according to studies, some experts say the acquired immunity provided by vaccines can be safer in some ways, since vaccines don’t require you to catch the virus – and risk serious long-term health issues that can plague you even after you recover – before becoming effective, especially if you have underlying health issues.
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