Missouri Governor Parson Issues Executive Order to Fight “Overreaching” Biden Administration Vaccine Mandates; Must Be Left To The States

Mike Parson
Under Gov. Mike Parson’s new executive order, the governor issued Thursday, any entity under the executive branch cannot make a person get the COVID vaccine if the individual objects due to medical or religious reasons. File photo: RozenskiP, Shutter Stock, licensed.

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Governor Mike Parson (R) announced last week that he had signed an executive order to fight against what he referred to as “overreaching” mandates from the administration of President Joe Biden regarding COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

Executive Order 21-10, which was signed on October 28, will serve to protect the individual health rights of Missouri residents, Parson said in a statement.

As the Governor of the State of Missouri, I stand with concerned Missourians and will do all I can to stop federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates,” Parson said in a statement. “When President Biden announced his initial plans to force unconstitutional vaccine mandates, we immediately began aligning state resources for legal action. While we hoped the Biden Administration would recognize these mandates as the abuse of authority that they are, they have not, and we must now use every tool we have available to fight this federal intrusion.”

Parson noted that decisions regarding the health of American citizens are supposed to be handled on a state level, as opposed to federally, and seemed to infer that Biden’s vaccination mandates may be unconstitutional.

“The Constitution and its historical interpretations clearly leave public health decisions to the states. The federal government has no authority to issue COVID-19 vaccine mandates,” Parson said. “The Biden Administration acting alone to dictate and mandate health requirements represents the kind of federal power grab the founding fathers warned us against.”

Parson’s executive order says the following:

  • All agencies, boards, commissions, and other entities within the executive branch of state government are directed to cooperate fully and timely with the Attorney General of the State of Missouri in litigation on behalf of the State of Missouri against any federally imposed COVID-19 vaccine mandate or requirement.
  • No agency, board, commission, or other entity within the executive branch of state government shall compel any individual to receive the COVID-19 vaccine according to federal vaccine mandates if the individual objects for religious or medical reasons.
  • No agency, board, commission, or other entity within the executive branch of state government shall penalize individuals or businesses for non-compliance with federally imposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates if the individual objects for religious or medical reasons.

Parson is joining a growing list of U.S. governors that have been signing executive orders – or directing lawmakers to pass legislation – designed to countermand Biden’s vaccination mandates, including Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) and Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R).

In addition, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is calling on lawmakers in his state to pass a bill that will forbid any vaccination mandates in the state.

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