Despite 81 Million Votes, President Biden Approval Rating Down to 38%, Harris Hits Record-Low for Vice President at 28%

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris
President Biden’s approval ratings continue to fall hitting a new all-time low in a USA Today and Suffolk University poll released Sunday; in addition, Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating in the same poll was even worse, setting an all-time record for the office she holds. File photos: RedhoodStudios, Daniel Hernandez-Salazar, Shutter Stock, licensed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The approval rating of President Joe Biden continues to drop in recent weeks, hitting a new all-time low in a poll released Sunday; in addition, Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval rating in the same poll was even worse, setting an all-time record for the office she holds.

The poll, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University last week, has Biden’s approval rating at a dismal 38 percent after previously holding in the low 40’s; the only president in history with a lower approval rating at this point in their first term was Donald Trump at 37 percent.

Democrats’ poor performance in recent elections – including loss in Virginia’s governor race and an extremely close win New Jersey – should have come as little surprise, as when a sitting president suffers from a poor approval rating, his party typically tends to run into problems in down-ballot races.

Biden has come under fire on a number of issues, including the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic – with vaccination mandates that have proven unpopular in some circles – and his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. However, he has also seen some recent successes, such as his party’s passing of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package late Friday night and a better-than -expected job report that showed the country adding 531,000 new jobs in October.

But as bad as Biden’s approval rating currently is, it’s still significantly better than that of Vice President Kamala Harris, which Sunday’s USA Today/Suffolk University poll pegged at just 28 percent, the lowest rating ever for the office.

Previously, the Vice President with the lowest-ever approval rating was Dick Cheney at 30 percent; however, he didn’t reach that low of a rating until the end of second term of George W. Bush’s presidency in 2007. Harris, in contrast, is only in the very first year of Joe Biden’s first term as president, thus achieving her record low in record time.

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