WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Wednesday, all 50 GOP members of the senate are anticipated to mount an offense against President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate for American businesses by attempting to invoke the Congressional Review Act, which is a process that allows Congress to override rules put out by the White House under some circumstances.
Leading his fellow 49 Republicans, Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) will try to do away with the Biden Administration’s vaccination mandate aimed at businesses, which currently states that employers with 100 or more workers must be fully inoculated against COVID-19 by January 4, with an option to opt-out in favor of mask-wearing and weekly testing for the virus.
Braun referred to Biden’s mandate as being “unconstitutional” and stated that Americans should be able to make their own choices regarding their medical care.
“President Biden’s vaccine mandate is an unconstitutional invasion of what should be a personal medical decision for every American and an affront to the rights of 80 million American workers,” he said. “Today, my Republican colleagues and I will formally challenge this federal overreach, and I urge the Senate to vote in favor of this disapproval resolution when it comes to the Floor for a filibuster-proof, simple-majority vote in early December.”
Congress can utilize the Congressional Review Act (CRA) can overturn federal rules or actions via a joint resolution of disapproval that is then signed by the president; however, if the resolution of disapproval is against the president himself and he vetoes it, Congress can – if they have the votes – override said veto and do away with the offending rule.
The vaccination mandate, issued by Biden through the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), is anticipated to cover approximately 84 million workers once it goes into effect in 2022. Employers that do not adhere to the mandate could be fined as much as $14,000 per violation, and with the number of citations not being limited to only one, failure to comply could end up being a costly endeavor.
The Biden/OSHA mandate also circumvents any state or local ordinances regarding vaccination, including “laws that ban or limit an employer’s authority to require vaccination, masks, or testing,” according to the White House.
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