OAKLAND, CA – America’s Frontline Doctors (AFD), a conservative political group that has been accused of spreading misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic, has announced that they are filing a lawsuit against health care conglomerate Kaiser Permanente over their mandate that requires 200,000 doctors, nurses, and support staff in their employ to be fully vaccinated against COVID, with an option to opt-out in favor of weekly testing.
The lawsuit was announced in an email statement sent out by AFD founder Simone Gold – a physician, attorney, and author who was among those arrested for taking part in the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 – who claimed that “lawyers across the nation” are calling AFD’s legal intervention against Kaiser Permanente’s vaccination mandate “groundbreaking.”
Gold repeated her ongoing claims that COVID-19 vaccines “don’t work” – despite claims to the contrary by both the CDC and the FDA that they are indeed effective – and that the so-called “natural immunity” that people develop after recovering from a COVID infection offers superior protection.
“Kaiser, which employs over 200,000 doctors, nurses, and support staff, is mandating all of their employees be injected with the SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccine.’ One of those employees is Le-Lan Jorgensen, an 18-year anesthetist who applied for a religious exemption, which was provisionally granted—but is now compelled to be tested for COVID-19 weekly,” Gold said. “Le-Lan’s contention is this: 99.8% of those infected with COVID survive. And those who are COVID recovered develop robust and durable natural immunity. In fact, natural immunity is superior in every way to the so-called ‘vaccine’ that does not immunize patients or prevent transmission.”
“The COVID ‘vaccine’ does not offer protection from acquiring COVID,” Gold continued. “And the science is accumulating that the ‘vaccine’ makes people more susceptible to COVID.”
However, despite Gold’s claims, other medical professionals have stated that COVID-19 vaccines do offer protection from COVID infections – although no vaccine is ever 100 percent effective – and Gold offered no proof in her statement to back her claim that vaccination can actually make an individual more likely to suffer from a COVID infection.

Gold explained that AFD’s lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente was based on the company’s “totalitarian” mandates that, in turn, could potentially influence national health care mandates as well, noting that Kaiser’s Chief Health Officer, Bechara Choucair, was selected by Biden White House to be the nation’s COVID vaccine coordinator.
“Our lawsuit is focused on Kaiser’s totalitarian policies, policies that not only affect their 200,000 employees, but that affect national policy for all Americans,” she said. “Kaiser is deeply involved in setting national policy for the Joe Biden Administration… Kaiser Permanente is controlling the COVID narrative. (Tramadol) They are making millions from it – and punishing their employees – if they dare speak out against their employer’s narrative.”
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