BOCA RATON, FL – Back in 1936, the Olympic games were held in Hitler led, fascist, Nazi Germany. In Berlin, to be specific. For years after, the world shook its head in wonder at how the International Olympic Committee (IOC), was ever so out of touch with reality to award this honor to a dictatorial, despotic nation. Hey, they’ve done it again. The Communist Party of China (CCP) is scheduled to hold the Winter Olympics in Beijing, next year. Stupid knows no limits.
Before we go into the decades of China’s human rights violations and utter disregard for international laws, the latest outrage by this totalitarian state is the disappearance of a three time Chinese female Olympian tennis star, Peng Shuai, after she accused a former vice premier of sexual assault. She’s obviously paying the price for outing a Commie biggee and is either dead or tucked away for life in some rancid prison. The gullible IOC has been coerced by China to turn a blind eye to this evildoing. Their wimpy statement: “We have seen the latest reports and are encouraged by assurances that she is safe.” Why not have her released and in truly safe hands? Evidently to do the bidding of and to be an apologist for the CCP is the Olympic’s real game.
The IOC, to justify its closed eyes to China’s aggression, claims it is merely a sports body and not political at all. If so, how come the enemy of China, Taiwan, is forced to participate in the Olympics under the name, “Chinese Taipei,” with no flag or national anthem ever displayed or played at medal awards ceremonies? Way back in 1964 apartheid South Africa was banned as well as Afghanistan in 2000 for its discrimination against women. If then, why not now?
We must all call for a total boycott of the 2022 Winter Olympics that includes keeping our own athletes home and perhaps hosting our own national Olympics in its place. Our reasons for this unprecedented move to compete in this manner is to finally put China in its place. To let the world know we will no longer stand by and appease a dictatorial, fascist, planet gobbling monster nation that threatens us all. Look how it abuses its own citizens, the Muslim Uighurs, by placing them in concentration camps. All evidence points to the great possibility that the killer Covid 19 virus was developed in China’s military bio-weapons laboratory in Wuhan. The CCP has stonewalled all investigations into the source of the world-wide pandemic that already has claimed nearly six million lives. The Chinese took over Hong Kong breaking its agreement with the UK to permit that city to govern itself for 50 years. China has created islands in the South China Sea to use as military, aircraft and rocket launching bases that threaten the Philippines, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Are they true members of a freedom lovely planet?
We cast shame on the IOC and all of its member nations, including our own, for turning heads away from and from to ignore (and accept), as was done in 1936 to a host nation’s horrific acts of totalitarianism, terror and overt fascism. We must stay away from the 2022 Winter Olympics to demonstrate to the world that we stand for human rights, decency and democracy. We must not condone the actions of the Chinese by playing the Olympic games on their playboard and by their rules. We played “dumb” in ’36 but we’re much “dumber” now.
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