Police: Street Racers Were Responsible For Deadly Crash In Ocala

Traffic Homicide Investigators arrested Mauricio Medina, 52, and Joshua Jones, 30, for vehicular homicide, racing on a highway, and reckless driving. The deadly crash occurred on October 12, 2021 when a man and his family were leaving Red Lobster.

OCALA, FL – Ocala Police Officers arrested two men for street racing on State Road 200 which caused the death of Muniz Shrouf, 56, back in October 2021. Traffic Homicide Investigators arrested Mauricio Medina, 52, and Joshua Jones, 30, for vehicular homicide, racing on a highway, and reckless driving. The deadly crash occurred on October 12, 2021 when Shrouf and his family were leaving Red Lobster.

From on-scene evidence, the extensive damage to each vehicle, witness statements, and video, it appeared that the silver Toyota Scion (Jones) and the Honda Civic (Medina) were both traveling westbound at dangerous speeds. 

The investigation found that Jones was going 98 mph and Medina was going 96 mph just seconds before the crash. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. Both vehicles appeared to be traveling in a manner that put other motorists at risk and displayed disregard for the traffic conditions present at the time.

Detectives say these two drivers put other motorists in foreseeable danger and caused a crash which resulted in the death of Shrouf. Additionally, a toxicology report showed that no alcohol was present in Shrouf's system.
Detectives say the two drivers put other motorists in foreseeable danger and caused a crash which resulted in the death of Shrouf.

This area of State Road 200 is heavily traveled, with six lanes and numerous driveway accesses. Video evidence shows that there was heavy traffic at the time of collision due to it being towards the end of rush hour traffic. 

Detectives say these two drivers put other motorists in foreseeable danger and caused a crash which resulted in the death of Shrouf. Additionally, a toxicology report showed that no alcohol was present in Shrouf’s system.

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