WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Joe Biden is off to a rocky start in 2022, as the results of a new national poll shows his approval ratings have dropped to a new all-time low.
A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday indicates that Biden’s approval rating is currently at just 33 percent and his disapproval rating is 53 percent amongst those surveyed nationally from January 7-10.
This represents a drop in the president’s approval rating of three points from Quinnipiac’s last survey in November 2021, at which time his rating was 36 percent; his disapproval rating, however, remains the same.
According to Quinnipiac University polling analyst Tim Malloy, these numbers spell trouble for the Biden Administration heading into the 2022 elections, in which the Democratic Party will attempt to hold onto their slim majorities in both the House and Senate.
Currently, 43 percent of those polled said they want the Republicans to win back the House, and 42 percent said they want Democrats to retain control; as for the Senate, 45 percent said they want the GOP to retake the Senate, as compared to 41 percent who favored Democrat control.
“A rocky start for President Biden gets him low grades on his year one report card,” Malloy said.
Biden’s negative numbers, according those polled, have mainly been driven by three factors- 39 percent said the COVID-19 pandemic, 35 percent said foreign policy, and 34 percent said the economy.
For the initial six months of his presidency, Biden enjoyed approval ratings in the mid-50’s. However, his oft-maligned handling of the pullout of U.S. troops from Afghanistan caused his numbers to spiral downward in August, as did a new spike in COVID-19 infections among the American populace – at the time attributed Biden’s failure to reach his stated vaccination goals – during that same timeframe.
Other factors playing into Biden’s lowering approval ratings include the record-breaking number of migrants crossing the southern border with Mexico and into the United States during 2021, and an increase of consumer prices, especially at the gas pump.
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