Arizona Lawmakers Still Trying To Decertify 2020 Election Results with HCR 2033, Now In Three Counties, Maricopa, Pima And Yuma

HCR 2033
The legislation, HCR 2033, titled “Decertifying Arizona’s 2020 Electors” was introduced on Monday, by State Rep. Mark Finchem, and is supported by thirteen other Republican lawmakers who have co-sponsored the legislation. The proposal to each of the 12 House committees. File photo: Joseph Sohm, Shutter Stock, licensed.

MARICOPA COUNTY, AZ – Arizona Republicans continue to push legislation to decertify the 2020 Presidential election results in the state yet Republican House Speaker Rusty Bowers isn’t having it, issuing a statement calling the attempt by lawmakers “obviously unconstitutional and profoundly unwise.”

The legislation, HCR 2033, titled “Decertifying Arizona’s 2020 Electors” was introduced on Monday, by State Rep. Mark Finchem, and is supported by thirteen other Republican lawmakers who have co-sponsored the legislation.

Finchem’s office released a statement Monday announcing the effort calling HCR 2033, a resolution “calling for the elections of Maricopa, Pima and Yuma Counties to be set aside based on clear and convincing evidence that the elections in those counties were irredeemably compromised.”

“The circumstances surrounding these elections undermine voter confidence in the election system, moreover, they ultimately translate into doubts about election integrity.

“The questions first raised over a year ago about the legitimacy of the 2020 General Election persist. Evidence and testimony collected since November 3, 2020, has reached the point of clear and convincing and is now in the hands of the Arizona Attorney General for action. Citations of various elements justifying the Resolution can be found in the body of the Resolution. We have debunked the ‘baseless claims’ narrative promoted by the propaganda pushing media and are now on to the business of providing specific relief to the People.

“While some may say there is no valid constitutional, nor statutory grounds for such an action, they clearly are disregarding longstanding jurisprudence. Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution provides, in relevant part, ‘Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress.’ U.S. Const. Art. II, § 1, cl. 2 (emphasis added). The Supreme Court has described the constitutional authority of the state legislatures to determine the manner of choosing electors as ‘plenary.’ See McPherson v. Blecker, 146 U.S. 1, 35 (1892); see also Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98, 104 (2000).

The press release in full:

The 9-page bill states in part: 

Whereas, a declaration of the results of statewide electoral contests in the 2020 general election is in dispute with probable cause to believe that multiple discrepancies exist, both criminal and noncriminal in nature, and that so many questionable ballots were commingled with legitimate ballots across the State of Arizona that significant voter disenfranchisement has occurred, making the election irredeemably compromised;

Bill Text
This document was modified to best fit this screen. You can view the original document via

According to Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, one of the 13 co-sponsors of HCR 2033, they are ‘relentless’ in an email statement to supporters Wednesday.

“This process has taken a long while to unfold- but we are RELENTLESS. We see the questions that compromise the Arizona election in 2020 and we need to decertify! Hundreds of thousands of ballots are questioned. The election was compromised. It’s time to decertify Arizona.”

Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers

According to a report from Business Insider, not much is expected from the legislation calling it “effectively doomed” by House Speaker Bowers who said “there is no way this bill would ever become law” assigning the proposal to each of the 12 House committees, saying he knows there is no way it can secure approval of each. The report also referring to the State of Arizona as “ground zero” for some of the Republican Party’s most high-profile efforts to question the 2020 election results.

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