SPRING HILL, FL – Taxpaying parents with children in government schools have been told by teacher union members that it is the teachers who have control over what is taught to the students, not the parents. In our new world order, parents are no longer seen as having the sole right to their own children’s lives. The state believes it is the ultimate arbitrator on an individual’s life for the benefit of the state. The government is increasingly asserting itself into every facet of our decisions. This means our freedoms are being diminished by the government.
It was a shock to many traditional Americans who were taught the extended family had the responsibility and right to raise their own children as they felt correct. This was the American way since the beginning of the US constitution. In the U.S. parents have the choice of how to raise their children as they want as long as their parental choices do not break the law. Only in totalitarian countries does the government have the power and right to choose how a child is raised.
Things have radically changed in our culture with the advent of Hollywood movies, television programs and social media. The big screen tv and now electronics in the hands of children have replaced parents as the teacher of moral values, ideals, and the thought process of men and women. Once the government becomes the major influence in childrearing, we are in a deep state of cancelling parental control.
In society many of the male and female roles have been flipped. Women entered the work force with only a few remaining as housewives. With so many mothers working, the children are in daycare earlier and immediately move into government directed schools. Too many American children are being raised by government trained and supervised programs. In essence this has dissolved the nuclear family’s reason to exist. The family has been gutted to place the state as the ultimate power for the entire society. As state power increases, individual power decreases.
Individual freedom for citizens to make their own choices was the primary principle that our founding fathers fought for in the revolution from England. King George III thought he had the right to pass edicts without the consent of the colonists. These colonists established a representative government with checks and balances and a bill of rights to restrain government officials from moving into the territory of oppression that makes choices for citizens.
Our nation became the leader of the free world with the greatest economy in history. Citizens were free to make better choices for themselves that end up as better choices for the country than choices by bureaucrats. Our republic’s representatives passed a few laws that were enforced justly.
Freedom of choice has proven to unleash competitive energy in our capitalist economic system. Unfortunately, the people are to blame for voting in representatives whose voting record is often the opposite of what they say and opposite of what the people want. Our intellectuals and media have used sophisticated indoctrination (gas lighting) techniques to hide the truth from the people.
It is our fault for not holding politicians’ feet to the fire. Parents who have their children in government schools are waking up to teachers’ union abuse of our children. Citizens are becoming aware of the sell-out of our nation by corrupt, international corporations, and multi billionaires making deals with world leaders to establish a one-world tyrannical government.
Our freedoms are disappearing because our citizenry did not stand up and do their civic duty in as many ways as possible. Studying candidates’ performance to determine if their voting record is congruent with their campaign promises is a beginning and the many parents of government school students who are beginning to demand answers to policies and actions is another.
Although there were some outrageous episodes of violence and even arrests against innocent parents at school board meetings, it put the spotlight on the audacity of these school boards. This inflamed many parents to begin to pay attention and opened the floodgates for parents investigating their children’s education.
Citizens are also becoming aware of the message of social media and TV. They are examining what their children are involved with online and listening to various sources of information to better understand what constitutes “misinformation.”
Americans are beginning to understand that we have lost many freedoms and power under the guise of the “epidemics” over the past two years. The online learning allowed parents to see what their kids were learning in school. The disrespect shown to legitimate science has awakened many people to realize that our government will create fear to increase mandates that rob citizens of their freedoms and liberties.
The demise of the nuclear family must be stopped, or we will no longer be a free America.
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