NEW YORK, NY – Matthew Rosenberg, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter for the New York Times, was caught on video by the undercover investigation group Project Veritas saying that the “left overreacted” to the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building and mocked coworkers covering the event who claimed to have been “traumatized” by it.
In a heavily-edited video released on Tuesday, Rosenberg was depicted poking fun at fellow journalists who claimed that being amid the Trump-supporting rioters who had stormed the Capitol that day had been an emotionally vexing experience, calling them “f**king little dweebs.”
Rosenberg, 47, did not know he was being video recorded by an undercover Project Veritas operative in a bar at the time.
“But like all these colleagues who were in the building, and they’re young and are like, ‘Oh my God, it was so scary.’ I’m like, f**k off,” he said. “It’s not the kind of place I can tell somebody to man up, but I kind of want to be like, ‘Dude, come on. Like, you were not in any danger.’”
Project Veritas in the past has been accused by some of deceptively editing their videos in order to portray a desired narrative, although the legitimacy of the actual quotes they clandestinely record typically are not disputed.
Rosenberg also called two other reporters, Emily Cochrane and Nicholas Fandos, “f**king bitches,” and noted that there was a “tug of war” at the New York Times over the January 6 riot coverage between “the reasonable people” and “some of the craziest leftist s**t.”
“The left’s overreaction — the left’s reaction to it in some places was so over the top. They were making it too big a deal,” Rosenberg said. “That gave the opening for lunatics in the right to be like, ‘Oh, well, nothing happened here. It was just a peaceful bunch of tourists,’ you know, and it’s like, but nobody wants to hear that. (https://crystalbaypoolsva.com) ”
Project Veritas posted a second video on Wednesday, where the organization’s founder, James O’Keefe, sits down with Rosenberg while he’s eating at diner and requests to interview him about the statements he made. Rosenberg, while saying he stood by what he said, nonetheless refused to speak with O’Keefe, accusing him of being “worse than a hit job” when it comes to his reporting style.
“This is me talking s**t at a bar. If you think that’s news, it is what it is,” Rosenberg said. “I’m not gonna give you a comment.”
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