Grant Cardone Foundation Hosts Mentoring Workshop With Teens From Pace Center For Girls With Elena Cardone, CEO of 10X “Build Your Empire”

AVENTURA, FL – CEO of 10X Ladies and entrepreneur, Elena Cardone, wife of Grant Cardone, who is often hailed as a true icon for modern-day women, hosted an inspirational presentation from the NEW 10X Kids book for 35 youth leaders with PACE Center for Girls. Each guest received a complimentary 10X Book and tour of the company plus engaged in a personal Q & A with Elena Cardone saluting Women’s History Month – making her own history today.
“After remembering how my teenage years were fairly difficult, I felt it was timely and important to give back and provide a pillar of strength, optimism and focus during a mentoring workshop for today’s youth that remains the cornerstone of America’s future,” says Elena Cardone.
Cardone was extremely engaging during her Mentoring Workshop with the PACE Center for Girls, which provides free year-round middle school and high school academics, case management, counseling and life skills development in a trauma-informed and gender-responsive environment. During the workshop, Cardone recalled much of her personal teenage years and later her growth and development, as she headed towards marriage, family and fully dedicating herself to building a business. (Tramadol) As the day unfolded, many PACE workshop participants shared their inner life goals, and dreams as Cardone helped the group open their minds on building a bright future.

The Grant Cardone Foundation is a national non-profit organization invested in helping youth in our communities reach their fullest potential. The Foundation’s mission is to provide mentoring, financial literacy education, and entrepreneurial development to at-risk adolescents in underserved communities around the world, especially those without a father figure.
Grant Cardone, entrepreneur, best-selling author, star of Discovery Channel’s Undercover Billionaire, and founder of the 10X Movement. Having lost his father at a young age, Grant Cardone saw that underlying many of society’s most pressing challenges is a lack of father involvement in their children’s lives. Fatherlessness has a direct effect on economic welfare, production, the erosion of human capital, social exclusion, crime, and social instability. Cardone wants to help those who may need life and career guidance just as he once did.

The 10X Kids U.S. program, based on Grant Cardone’s runaway best-seller, The 10X Rule, and his #1 business education platform, Cardone University, includes an e-Learning platform and book to teach kids financial literacy and how to have a 10X mindset. The 10X Kids University e-learning program, led by an animated Grant Cardone is ready to teach your kids how to unleash their minds and take massive action to get anywhere they want to go in life. Created exclusively for a 12 to 17-year-old age range, 10X Kids University is a fun and engaging e-platform filled with stories and exercises that are relatable and fun. The 10X Kids Book compliments the 10X Kids University program which focuses on the same principals and concepts as the e-learning courses but in a paperback book format.
About The Grant Cardone Foundation:
The Grant Cardone Foundation is a national non-profit organization invested in helping youth in our communities reach their fullest potential. Entrepreneur and best-selling author, Grant Cardone, created the foundation as a result of experiencing the traumatic loss of his father when he was only 10-years-old. Growing up without a father figure in his life affected him emotionally, socially, and academically and so he has made it his mission to help young adults, who may need life and career guidance just as he once did. The foundation partners with community organizations, municipal agencies, corporations, and other non-profit entities to help deliver energy and educational resources to kids in need.
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