Florida Sheriff Releases Video On Seriousness Of Making Or Sharing School Threats Detailing “Serious Consequences”

Charlotte County Sheriff's Office Florida
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Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell is aiming to bring awareness to the seriousness of making or sharing school threats.

CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FL – In partnership with Charlotte County Public Schools, Charlotte County Sheriff Bill Prummell aims to bring awareness to the seriousness of making, or sharing school threats. Across the nation, we have seen the devastation of school threats and the ramifications of fake ones. We hope this video provides students with the information they need, from the people they trust, to truly understand the impact of making a threat, whether in jest or not.

“This video is not only produced for the students of Charlotte County Public Schools, but also for their parents who need to be aware of their children’s social media use. A message or a phone call threatening an event at one of our schools is not a prank, or a joke,” states Charlotte County Public School Spokesman Mike Riley.

Students may believe that threats made online via Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are ‘jokes’ and are not taken seriously. However, that is the furthest from the truth. All threats are thoroughly investigated and can have serious consequences. This can mean unnecessary stress on family and friends, technology confiscated, and loss of college or career opportunities.

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An event like this is a serious infraction of the law, which shuts down a school, which causes immediate stress and fear in the hearts and minds of innocent students and staff. All students, please think seriously about your actions,” Riley warns.

“I urge students to always report suspicious remarks made in person or activity seen online. Providing your child a safe place to report this activity whether it be to parents or their School Resource Officer is crucial to preventing deadly events within our schools. As a community, we must protect our children from the threat of violence,” states Sheriff Bill Prummell.

To report a threat in Charlotte County, call CCSO at 941-639-0013 or 911 in an emergency. Charlotte County Public Schools also utilizes the Fortify app which is accessible via their website. FortifyFL automatically routes your tip report to the appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.

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