WESTON, FL – When it comes to planning for a comfortable, stress-free, and well-deserved retirement after decades of hard work, picking the right financial advisors can be critical. However, Cayman Financial Review – a relative newcomer to the industry – is already turning heads with their combination of smart financial know-how and investment intuition, combined with a conservative-friendly savvy that is sure to appeal to their target market.
Tim Schmidt, founder, and owner of Cayman Financial Review, first opened the doors on the firm in 2021. Based out of Weston, Florida, Cayman is a service that employs a team of economists that write about market fluctuations, with a special emphasis upon precious metals. In addition, they also provide a great deal of content aimed at their customer base, which tends to be conservative in nature, Tim said.
“We like to educate people about precious metals, such as silver, gold, and palladium, and what they can do to hedge against market fluctuations,” he said. “Right now, inflation is a big topic among our customers, so what we do is evaluate companies and help people make sound retirement investments.”
Cayman Financial Review covers a lot of precious metal brokers, dealers, and advisors, and they help people find the ones that deal with approved precious metals that can go soundly go towards an individual’s retirement.
“We provide a lot of education about retirement savings, and how now is the time to allocate a portion of your retirement portfolio, whether that’s an IRA, or a 401K, or whatever,” he said. “We have highly educated people who can help you with those decisions. In short, we help people get educated and perhaps find a broker that can help them allocate a proportion of their retirement savings into a precious metals-backed savings plan.”
What that means is if someone has a $500,000 retirement portfolio, it’s recommended that between 5 and 20 percent of that amount should be invested in precious metals; the reasoning, Tim said, is because even if the market tanks, precious metals typically tend to hold their ground traditionally against the dollar, and it makes for a sound investment for the long-term.
When you select a recommended gold investment company through Cayman Financial Review, you can be sure that they have been vetted thoroughly to ensure you have acquired the services of the most reputable individuals around to handle your finances, Tim said. The most recommended company to work with is GoldCo.
“We’ve exposed some bad apples in this industry, but we also highlight the good ones, and we really stress the rules and how not to break them,” he said. “So, the companies we recommend can really hold your hand and go through that process with you, and you know that you’re in good hands.”
In today’s day and age, having a significant amount of money squirreled away for your retirement is a necessity. However, Tim is quick to point out that often, savings alone is not enough to ensure the best possible retirement; as a result, intelligent investment is vitally important.
“Getting your money out there – and we do advise heavily towards precious metals – is very important,” he said. “So, whether you’re seeing a ‘bull’ or a ‘bear’ market – and most of the money is made in a ‘bear’ market – taking action now before things possibly get worse and allocating between 5 and 20 percent of your portfolio is definitely a wise investment, as opposed to having your money sit in a bank account losing potential buying power.”
Tim explained his firm’s emphasis upon investment in precious metals, noting that historically, they have always been a safe bet when it comes to the risk-to-reward ratio.
“It’s just historical. Gold goes back centuries, and a lot of wealthy individuals have used precious metals,” he said. “Traditionally, they’ve just been a great way to get through a ‘bear’ market and not see your company go out of business. It’s just something that you could hold in your hand and then one day sell it. There’s always a market for gold, silver, and even palladium. Those are all strongly encouraged just due to the historical value.”
Tim noted that the conservative emphasis of Cayman Financial Review reflects the firm’s target market; a lot of their site’s content is geared towards that segment of society, since conservatives traditionally do more investing on the whole when compared to other groups.
“We tend to find that people who gravitate towards our type of content and subscribe to our newsletter are conservatives and hardcore Republicans,” he said. “They’re usually pro-gun, 50-plus, have a net worth of at least $1 million…it just kind of hedges that way. There are people on the other side that thinks everything is fine and dandy with the economy, but the people that are really getting worried right now about what’s going on with the economy tend to be conservative.”
The writers on Tim’s website contribute many articles on numerous topics; a great deal of the content concerns financial topics centering on inflation. But despite the conservative bent of the site’s articles, Tim says that he tries not to include anything that would alienate any potential customers.
“We don’t have to try to hit the Right too hard, where it’s like ‘hey, screw the other side’ or anything like that. It’s educational,” he said. “Don’t get me wrong, we do have people on the other side who subscribe to this type of philosophy, but typically the people who are starting to get very worried about the economy are holding very strong Republican beliefs, and they feel that there needs to be changes. So, they usually tend to follow our kind of advice and they follow the inflation numbers closely.”
A great many businesses – especially ones that started within the last few years – were heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But while many faced hurdles that greatly curtailed their revenue – or cut it off all together – Tim noted that if anything, the pandemic was helpful to Cayman Financial Review’s bottom line.
“People really panicked as far as not having income, and perhaps being uncertain about the future. I talked to some people who even took [federal Personal Protective Equipment grant] money and invested it, since they had already been forced to lay off their staff,” he said. “So definitely, the pandemic brought more eyeballs to the site. Unlike many businesses, COVID-19 actually helped us in many ways, and in-turn, we were able to help many people as a result.”
As far as what the future may bring, Tim said that he plans to expand the website services to include coverage of cryptocurrency, which he noted is a very speculative form of investment at the current time.
“We’re really waiting for the market to settle. It’s hard to give advice for someone to get in on it right now,” he said. “If they wanted to devote perhaps two percent of their net worth and put that into cryptocurrencies for retirement, it’s something that’s definitely a risk/reward. But right now, we’re just concentrating on retirement investing and ways to save money, so you can retire better and keep your wealth intact. But the current emphasis, especially with the market so heavy like it is now, is on precious metals.”
But at the end of the day, Tim said that being able to provide a conduit for those looking to have a comfortable retirement for themselves and their loved ones – while being able to offer them a plethora of cutting-edge information to ensure that happens – has provided him with a great deal of satisfaction.
“It feels good. I’ve always been an educator in the internet marketing space. I’ve helped stay-at-home moms start blogs that have become profitable, so I’ve always been the in the industry of helping people,” he said. “Doing something with retirement and educating people – especially ones who may not be investing currently, or who may have an advisor that they don’t trust – it just feels good to have a voice out there for people. (https://nuestras-raices.org) We’re definitely making an impact upon the industry and helping people.”
To find out more, please visit https://www.caymanfinancialreview.com.
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