BROOKLYN, NY – America needs more politicians that think, act and respond to critics like Governor Ron DeSantis. He addresses his critics at press conferences in strong language and without apology.
It’s important to understand the DeSantis Difference. He is doing what Republicans have been saying for years. He does not back down from common sense and decency, which is what the Florida bill is all about.
Some issues should be set in stone. One of those issues is the rights of parents to raise their children with their values and religious beliefs. But the left rejects those values when it interferes with their mission, which is to spread their atheist propaganda and impose their agenda to children as young as kindergarten through third grade.
The Parental Rights in Education bill summary reads:
Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student’s parent of specified information; requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children…
My recent article describes how sexual indoctrination in the public school system is corrupting young people and encouraging sexual licentiousness:
Brian Griffiths, Editor-in-Chief of RedMaryland.com warned that in Baltimore, a city where a minor needs a parent’s permission to go to the zoo, public schools were handing out birth control pills to kids as young as 11. In addition to pills, minors receive condoms, the Depo-Provera shot, Plan B, the Ortho Evra patch, birth control pills, hormonal implants and the NuvaRing.
Kids aren’t allowed to be kids anymore. When sex is pushed on children during their formative years, their future is predictable. When they get older, they have more sex partners and more sex. That means more pregnancies and more abortions. That’s why the militant left hates the Parental Rights in Education bill. Planned Parenthood wants to kill children. That’s their job. Planned Parenthood pushes for laws that deny parents notification and consent when their minor children have abortions. It follows that they would advocate for sexual indoctrination of children without their parents’ knowledge or consent.
Abortion and gender studies are being aggressively promoted by the left in public schools to the detriment of religion. By authorizing sex “education” and gender instruction – as the left calls it – within the school curriculum, they are imposing their will over the religious values of parents whose children attend these schools.
Starting in the 1960s, a series of Supreme Court landmark decisions have eroded the right to religious expression in public venues and schools. The Engel v. Vitale decision removed the right to pray in public schools. Even the invocation of non-denominational prayers is not permissible at graduation ceremonies. In a close 5-4 decision in Lee v. Weisman, Justice Anthony Kennedy writes for the majority opinion:
“The Establishment Clause was inspired by the lesson that in the hands of government what might begin as a tolerant expression of religious views may end in a policy to indoctrinate and coerce. Prayer exercises in elementary and secondary schools carry a particular risk of indirect coercion.”
What about direct coercion of a godless agenda on public school students? Kids can be taught every sexual practice, but the Ten Commandments cannot be posted in public schools.
Children are being brainwashed with secular ideas that are in direct opposition to what they are learning at home. The media is aligned with the most radical element of the Democrat party, publishing misinformation like this outrageous article in which the author claims that empowering parents puts children in danger!
It is one thing to protect and defend every American’s civil rights, including the rights of those whose beliefs are not faith-based. Those rights are protected by our Constitution as are the rights of all religious Americans, regardless of denomination or practice. But atheists have proven themselves to be the intolerant ones. They have their own doctrine and agenda, which includes killing unborn children for any reason, gender fluidity, and teaching evolutionary theory as opposed to intelligent design.
The abortion and gay rights movements have devised effective but evil strategies to market their ideas in public discourse, and they have been very successful doing it. Abortion is a euphemism for child sacrifice, and “choice” and “reproductive justice” are false terms that have been injected into our everyday speech. The result has been 63 million unborn children murdered in the womb.
The word “gay” was not part of our language until after the 1969 Stonewall riots and the AIDS crisis. But because the word has a positive connotation (happy) it worked for the homosexual community. Now, we have men like Lia Thomas destroying women’s sports, gender fluidity and transgender bathrooms in schools, and lesbians and homosexuals forcing Christian business owners to violate their consciences. Also, life-altering hormones and sex-change surgeries that will mutilate young people’s bodies forever. They don’t even have the legal right to drink, drive or vote.
Disney Corporation executives, the media elite, the Biden administration and the Democrat Party are shameless in their unconscionable efforts to groom young innocent children when the only thing they should be learning is how to read and write.
Americans should be concerned about the decline in test scores and quality of education in the United States compared to other countries. As reported by the Pew Research Center, there is a need for improvement in U.S. public school standards. Otherwise, the schools will see a decline in enrollment as parents choose to homeschool their kids.
What is important to realize is that the radical left never stops, no matter how divisive or dangerous their demands. They must be stopped. Governor DeSantis is doing just that. .
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