Roger Stone Endorses New Wireless Carrier That Protects Users’ Personal Information

Republican political consultant, author, and strategist Roger Stone is endorsing a new wireless carrier that claims they protect their users’ personal data and information from being passed onto the government by “Big Tech.”
In an email sent out to subscribers on Tuesday, Stone threw his weight behind Volta Wireless, a new cell carrier that, according to their website, includes an “all-in-one mobile app that helps you stop Big Tech tracking your every move.”
In his email, Stone noted that his privacy concerns are at a fever pitch following his prosecution by the federal government during the Robert Mueller investigation into Russian involvement in the 2020 presidential election.
“During the two year ordeal of being targeted in an illegal witch hunt I learned that all my communications were being surveilled despite any evidence of wrong-doing on my part,” Stone said. “Even today, particularly with the active involvement of the big tech companies in the “Great Reset”- I am very concerned with the security of my cell phone and text content- that’s why I use VOLTA WIRELESS and why you should consider using it too.”
Stone went on to state that tech companies, mobile operators and government agencies that are allegedly “colluding” with them essentially “track our every move and use that data to control and manipulate us.”
“With Volta Wireless you can live free from Big Tech control and manipulation,” he said. “Volta Wireless is the first mobile provider to give you the tools you need to stop Big Tech tracking your every move.”
Volta works with your current cell phone, and can be used with your current mobile provider or replace it altogether, and features plans that provide unlimited private talk, text and data at affordable rates.
The main selling point, Stone says, is the Volta downloadable app, which, after having been installed, utilizes “robust, military-grade encryption” that can shield a user’s location, identity, communications, internet activity, financial transactions, and more.
“I’ve used other supposedly ‘secure’ systems but Volta Wireless is the one I trust,” Stone concluded. “I urge you to sign up today.”
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