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Op-Ed: Five Dead Babies Found and No Investigation

A medical waste company was taking boxes of dead babies away from an abortion mill when two pro-life activists who were outside asked the driver to take one of boxes. Later, they discovered victims of what appears to be partial birth abortions.
A medical waste company was taking boxes away from an abortion mill in Washington D.C. last month when two pro-life activists who were outside asked the driver to take one of the boxes. Later, they discovered victims of what appears to be partial birth abortions. Photo credit: Live Action.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – One of the most horrific abortion news stories in years went viral last week. Images of five dead fully formed infants were published by Some of these babies may have survived abortion and then were murdered.  

The medical waste company was taking boxes of dead babies away from the abortion mill to be incinerated. Two pro-life activists who were outside asked the driver if they can take one box. Later on, they unboxed the contents and found 115 dead babies. Five of those babies are victims of dismemberment and what appears from the photos to be partial birth abortion. One baby girl has the top of her skull missing. She has a large wound in the back of her neck, indicating her brain may have been suctioned out in a partial birth abortion. The pro-life activists made funeral arrangements for the dead babies. 

The images are sickening, and reveal the barbarism of abortion. 

After the images were made public, a pro-life rally was held in front of the D.C. medical examiner’s office. Several pro-life groups were there to speak out on behalf on these babies. Incredibly, the D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, the medical examiner and the Police Chief are refusing to order a medical examination of these babies to determine the cause of death and uncover the laws that were violated. They want the babies carted off and incinerated.  

Senator James Lankford (R-Oklahoma) sent a letter to Mayor Bowser, Police Chief Robert Contee and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland immediately demanding an investigation. Seventeen GOP senators and five Republican Members of Congress signed the letter. Senator Ted Cruz also sent a separate letter to the D.C. mayor and police chief. 

Where is law enforcement focusing their investigation? They are not indicting the abortionist for violating federal laws. They want to press charges against the two pro-lifers that found these babies, allowing the world to see the evidence of infanticide.

Why won’t Mayor Bowser investigate what happened to these babies? What is she afraid the medical examiner will find? That the infants survived abortion only to be murdered after the “procedure”? 

With the evidence right in front of them, the media attacks the pro-lifers who exposed this horror. The Daily Beast calls these babies five fetusesto dehumanize them. They ignore the fact that they were dismembered, mutilated and tortured during the abortions, and possibly killed after they survived. The media elite won’t show the images. Instead, they publish stories that malign the pro-lifers who made the gruesome discovery. 

Should anyone try to excuse the brutal nature of the five babies’ deaths as an outlier, remember that Kermit Gosnell operated his legal abortion mill for decades before it was discovered (during a raid for illegal drugs) that he kept aborted baby body parts in his freezer. The PA Health Department knew what was going on and did nothing.  

There are thousands of third trimester abortions every year. There is no way to know how many babies are being killed illegally, and after they are delivered alive. 

These atrocities are going on all over America. These are viable babies. Why are Americans silent?  

Where are the Democrats? At what point will someone in that godless party come forward and admit these are horrific crimes against vulnerable, helpless children and must be stopped. When will the media stop their relentless defense of Planned Parenthood and the carnage they have caused for the past 50 years? Apparently, never.  

Recall former Gov. Northam’s (D-VA) comments that if a baby is born alive, the decision to save that baby should be between a woman and her doctor. Gov. Northam supports legal infanticide!  

In 2019, the Democrats blocked a Senate GOP bill that would save babies born alive after third-trimester abortions. 

Suppose instead of five unborn babies, these had been five kittens and puppies that were found dismembered and torn to pieces in a medical laboratory? Would the Democrats and their media allies remain silent?  No. They would more likely defend the animal rights activists for being resourceful, and report that stealing the dreadful photographs was necessary to inform the public of experiments and animal cruelty.

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By the way, no one denies that animal welfare laws must be enforced to protect animals, wildlife and pets.  

But when human beings are treated like lab rats, no amount of cruelty is enough. The pro-life heroes who intervene to save babies and expose the barbarism to the world are portrayed as criminals while the real criminals – the abortionists like Cesare Santangelo and their advocates – are portrayed as honest, caring medical professionals who only want to provide women with health care.  

This is genocide. And what of pro-abortion politicians and their supporters who have nothing but contempt for human life? We’ve reached the point where states like Maryland are passing laws to permit murdering children that survive abortion up to 28 days after birth.  

We can still make our voices heard. We can write articles, letters and speak out against these atrocities without fear of going to jail or being brought before a People’s Court. Those who opposed the Nazis did not have that option. We do.  Americans don’t have to vote for radical pro-abortion candidates. We can stop this.   

The only question that remains is: Why aren’t we?  

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