BOCA RATON, FL – If you thought that Stinger or Javelin missiles were dangerous or acknowledged that the Ukrainian people would give their lives for their cause, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Every radical Democrat / Socialist / Communist gang, all supportive of their fake concerns for the sanctity of and protection for the cause for women’s rights to own whatever is in their bodies, will be called out into our own streets to wage their house to house war to continue to have Roe as the rule of the land. Believe me, they will have blood stain the streets of our already burned out metropolises in order to intimidate the Supreme Court to validate “Roe.”
With the never before criminal disclosure of the Court’s secretive thought processes, revealed by a still unknown Democrat agent privy to that info, the sanctity of the court is now in danger. If anything at all stands in the way of preventing the Far Left from its war to control our thoughts, actions and votes, nothing will be permitted to stand in its way. And bloody warfare is part of their plan.
Embittered by its poor choice of two absolute White House losers to rule this country and embarrassed by the nation’s logical path to correct its mistakes in the voting booths, the Progressive Left will now resort to its basic instincts of physical, violent and murderous intimidation to frighten the Court’s members to just walk away from their apparently, already made decision. Look for those same militant women’s groups who flooded the streets after Trump’s victory at the polls in 2016 to again don their garb of warfare. This time with sharper, more lethal weapons. Remember Communist / Islamic / Terror radical Linda Sarsour who, from out of nowhere, overnight, commanded millions of women to take to the streets in violent protests? Recall her crony comrades of Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the “Occupy Wall Street,” who burned down our cities for their cause? They’ll be back again, now with a plan of vengeance to strike fear into our citizens, hoping to stir up and create enough carnage to strike fear into our sitting SC judges.
Just you wait. Watch the elected Dem leaders, both men and women, righteously stir the pot of riots and public destruction to make their point. Women’s groups, of all religious stripes, shapes and diverse causes will be called out into the streets to shout out their threats of warning to the rest of us. And the entire country will pay. We must stand up to them as the Ukrainians are doing, to protect and defend our homeland. The invaders in our country are our own. Fight them tooth and nail. Be prepared.
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