BROOKSVILLE, FL – On Tuesday, May 10 2022, detectives assigned to the Street Intelligence Unit (SIU) received information regarding a suspicious person in the Coastal Way Plaza, near the Ulta store. According to authorities, a white male had been observed in the parking lot, for several days in a row, and appeared as though the male was watching females enter and exit the Ulta store. The observant provided both a vehicle description, 2002 Chevrolet Silverado, and tag number, Michigan – EBN733, on the vehicle.
An investigation revealed, the vehicle described was reported stolen from the state of Michigan. Detectives then determined the vehicle was being operated by 52 year-old, Daniel Randall, a registered sex offender, who recently moved to Hernando County from the state of Michigan.
Detectives conducted surveillance and searched various locations, in hopes of locating Randall and/or the stolen vehicle. After several hours of surveillance, detectives located Randall, operating the stolen vehicle, as he attempted to exit the Frontier Campground in Brooksville. A traffic stop was then conducted.
Upon making contact with Randall, detectives placed him in custody. During an inventory search of the vehicle, prior to it being towed from the scene, detectives located a small plastic baggie containing a white crystal-like substance, which later tested positive for the presence of methamphetamine. A glass smoking pipe was also located in an article of clothing that was inside the vehicle.
Randall told detectives the methamphetamine and pipe belonged to him and that he did not possess a valid driver’s license. Randall was charged with grand theft of a motor vehicle, driving while license suspended or revoked, possession of methamphetamine and possession of paraphernalia.
During this time, Detective Kyle Wilson also had an open investigation involving Randall, regarding Randall’s sex offender registration obligations. In his initial sex offender registration with the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office on May 4, 2022, Randall stated he “just came down yesterday” which would have been May 3, 2022. He also stated he would be going to the DHSMV “tomorrow” to obtain a valid Florida ID card. Randall reported having one email address and no other electronic means of communication. (https://www.designzillas.com)
Through investigation, Detective Wilson learned that Randall actually arrived in Brooksville on April 1, 2022. Sex Offenders and Predators are required to register with law enforcement within 48 hours of relocating their primary residence.
With assistance from Crime Analysts, Detective Wilson also discovered Randall had three active Facebook profiles, one Instagram profile, and one WhatsApp profile. Randall failed to report all of his social media profiles. (https://jackoliverpools.com)
As Randall had already been delivered to the Hernando County Detention Center regarding the Grand Theft Motor Vehicle incident, detectives responded there to interview Randall and to add additional charges.
Randall admitted to being untruthful about the date he arrived. He also admitted to failing to provide his employment data during the initial registration, as he became employed during the month of April. Randall also admitted he did not obtain, nor attempt to obtain a Florida ID card as well as admitted to having all of the three social media accounts identified, but stated he did not know he was supposed to report them. It should be noted that Randall was provided with a copy of his sex offender registration obligations and reporting requirements upon his initial registration.
Randall told detectives that he was untruthful during his initial registration because he did not want to get in trouble. He was then charged with failure to report establishment of permanent residence within 48 hours, five counts of failure to report internet identifiers, failure to secure an identification card, failure to report change in employment within 48 hours, and knowingly providing false registration information by act or omission.
Randall was offered no bond as sexual offenders are not eligible for release on bail or surety bond until their first appearance. He remains in the Hernando County Detention Center. If released, he will be required to wear a GPS monitor.
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