DELRAY BEACH, FL – The Murphy’s Law definition is: “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”. I may be wrong, but it seems everything that Joe Biden touches or says, has a tendency to be wrong – therefore he is the poster boy for Murphy’s Law.
Upon his swearing in as president, he immediately rescinded most all of President Trump’s executive orders, including most that were working for the benefit of the American people. He canceled the Keystone pipeline; he canceled exploration of gas and oil on federal lands including “fracking”; he stopped erection of the southern border wall with Mexico; he rescinded Trump’s immigration policies that had reduced the number of illegals and the illegal poisonous drugs that were coming over the border etc. Well, how have those efforts by Biden turned out?
Since Biden inherited the pandemic, one of his first acts were to order people to wear masks, in addition to close government agencies and put restrictions on private businesses. Schools were closed and remote learning took the place of face-to-face instruction in the classroom. To combat these draconian measures, he got passed in Congress massive spending measures which, as of now, has mainly caused the big uptick in inflation that we are now witnessing today.
On the foreign policy front, he fared no better. Former Secretary of Defense under the Obama/Biden administration, Robert Gates, was reported to have said that Biden, during his 40 years in government was wrong on almost every foreign decision that came before him as a Senator and as Vice-President. It seems that Gates was prophetic as Biden has continued to be wrong with his foreign policy decisions as president.
The pullout from Afghanistan in August of 2021, was particularly disastrous by his hasty withdrawal that resulted in 13 military personnel murdered, and the leaving of thousands of of Americans and friendly Afghans behind to the authority of the barbaric Taliban. In addition, it is estimated that $80 billion of military equipment was abandoned to the Taliban, which made them one of the best militarily equipped actors in the Middle East.
To compound his bad decision in Afghanistan, through his loose lips and pronouncements, he gave impetus to people around the world, most mainly from Central America, to enter our country illegally. Since his inauguration, the total of illegals entering our country is approaching two million with no end in sight. Also, the flood of poisonous drugs has continued to be brought into our country by the drug cartels. Just the illegal drug Fentanyl alone, being smuggled into U.S., has been estimated to have killed over 100,000 people. Yet, neither Biden nor his Vice-President, Kamala Harris, have not had the common sense to visit the border to see the disaster that their open border immigration policies have wrought upon our country.
Due to his frail condition and his obvious cognitive impairment, he has a tendency to make inane comments (his notorious gaffes). He has become the laughing stock of the world and in the United States. He ran for president on a platform of being an experienced elder statesman and a unifier between the competing parties in Wash. D.C. So far, none of that has come to fruition. We are now more divided as a country than ever before. Besides the crushing inflation, and the out of control crime in most of our big cities, he seems to be oblivious to what is going on around him. (progressivedentalmn.com)
President Biden seems to be beholden to the radical Marxist/Socialist arm of the Democrat Party, headed up by Bernie Sanders, AOC, and the Squad. It seems they have convinced Biden that we, as a nation, can transition from fossil fuels to using total “green” energy in about 10 years. It boggles the mind, that anyone would make such an erroneous commitment to try to put our fossil fuel companies out of business replaced by unreliable green energy.
Yes, Joe Biden should be designated the “Poster Boy for Murphy’s Law” because it seems that whatever could go wrong has gone wrong under his leadership. God help the United States.
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