Op-Ed: House Broadcast On January 6th Riot Is “Made For TV” Kangaroo Court Scheduled For Prime Time, Choreographed By ABC Executive

BOCA RATON, FL – If you were channel TV surfing this past Thursday night, chances are you caught the first segment of the new mini-series, of the House Select Committee hearings supposedly probing into the supporters, characters, causes and ramifications of the January 6, 2021 Capitol riots. The only major network to opt out was Fox News. Congressional hearings are usually held during early morning hours but this “made for TV” event, was scheduled for prime evening time. It was such a special, that House Speaker Pelosi hired, with public funds, an experienced former ABC executive, James Goldston, to choreograph the event. It sort of gave all the impression that this was a not-to-be-missed entertainment extravaganza. And since the panel danced around so many subjects at the same time, Busby Berkeley, the famed 1930’s film dance choreographer, would have done splendidly. He’d have used giant circular staircases, long-legged dancers and flashing lights to stir up the expected excitement that failed to emerge. It was a big bust!
You won’t be shocked to hear that the true goal of the event was to link President Trump to the planning of and execution of this riot and his urging those involved to take over the government in what the Democrats claim was an outright “insurrection.” Follow the dots and lo and behold, anyone found guilty of “insurrection” can be fined, sentenced to 10 years in prison and….here’s the catch, will be ineligible to hold public office. The angry team of Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and the others on the Loony Left failed in two prior impeachments of Trump and now they want to close the door for his promised run for president in 2024. This hearing’s chair, black Congressman Bennie Thompson opened the show with rather confusing words: “I’m from a part of the country where people justified the actions of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan and lynching. I’m reminded of that dark history as I hear voices today try and justify the actions of the insurrectionists on January 6, 2021.” Just how does Bennie relate January 6th’s rioters with the KKK and slavery? Rather he could have used his time to apologize for his Democrat Party as being the party of the Confederacy in the Civil War to continue slavery and for the Democrats’ formation and membership in the KKK. Not only that but Bennie spoke out on the extremist Nation of Islam radio show in 2014, in support of Louis Farrakhan. That’s not “extremism?” We’re concerned that the Republican candidates submitted to Pelosi were rejected and rather, two anti-Trumper Republicans were substituted. Hence a Kangaroo Court was set up. Is it Nancy’s style to copy Stalin and Mao in D.C.? Evidently.
But we have some questions for you to mull over:
- Why were there no independent attorneys on hand to cross-examine the witnesses?
- Why did Pelosi and the D.C. Mayor ignore Trump’s approval for extra police security and 20,000 National Guard members days before the protest?
- Why did the capitol police open the gates for the protesters and stand by as they entered the hallways? Who gave them the orders?
- How many guns were confiscated from the rioters?
- Why was an unarmed, white woman veteran, Ashley Babbitt, murdered by a black cop? She was the only fatality that day. Any hearings? Any white riots?
- Were FBI agents embedded in the mob?
- Did they incite any violence or illegal activity?
- How many Antifa thugs were spotted in the crowd?
Currently, the nation is undergoing the threat of massive inflation, empty shelves, skyrocketing energy costs, crime through the roof, wide open borders, babies dying from malnutrition, dysfunctional schools, the threats of attacks from our nuclear armed enemies, failing businesses…..and our House is spending time rehearsing and acting in a TV mini-series that makes The Beverly Hillbillies seem enjoyable?
Dangerous stupidity.
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