Mike Davis Discusses Breaking Up Big Tech with Tucker Carlson

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, founder and president of the Internet Accountability Project, Mike Davis, joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the upcoming Big Tech battle in Congress, centering around the American Innovation and Choice Online Act.
Big Tech monopolists Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple have too much power. They’re too influenced by China, and they used this power to crush competition, shutter small businesses, and silence conservatives and others with whom they disagree. (vipcleaners.com) What this bill does is it finally breaks up Big Tech’s gatekeeping power over commerce and information in this country. There’s a rare closing bipartisan window of opportunity this summer to finally break up this gatekeeping power, and Republicans must get on board. It’s time for them to put up or shut up.
“This will be a big test for House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. This will be a big test for House Judiciary Ranking Member Jim Jordan. My former boss Chuck Grassley from Iowa has delivered the Republican votes in the Senate. Let’s see where McCarthy and Jordan stand on this crucial bill to hold Big Tech accountable.
“There hasn’t been a vote. Chuck Schumer needs to schedule the vote in the Senate. The votes are there. Chuck Schumer needs to move forward with the vote, and then House Republicans need to get on board so there’s a bipartisan coalition to get this done this summer, this month, before Republicans and Democrats go into their warring camps for the midterm elections. This has to happen now, or it’s not going to happen,” Davis told Tucker.
Mike Davis is the founder and president of the Internet Accountability Project, a conservative grassroots advocacy organization that opposes Big Tech and seeks to hold these companies accountable for their bad acts. He was previously chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee under the chairmanship of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.
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