DELRAY BEACH, FL – Mohammed Saeed al Sahhaf, who was dubbed as “Baghdad Bob”, was the media and Foreign Affairs minister under Iraqi President Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War. His claim to “fame” was his overly unreal, optimistic reports of how the Iraqi military was successfully opposing the invading American forces, as they advanced on the capital city of Baghdad. He claimed that the American forces were going to surrender and give up the fight. A totally loony assessment that earned him the sobriquet of “Baghdad Bob”.
Well, here we are today with a major invasion of illegal immigrants on our southern border, with a projected two million illegals coming into our our country by the end of the year, and being processed by an overwhelmed, overworked Border Patrol, as the Biden Administration sits idly by as this invasion takes place. With daily sightings of masses of people coming over our border practically unhindered, our Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has claimed that our border is “secure” and getting more secure by the day. There is an old expression that sort of contradicts that lie, it goes like this, “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes”?
It’s not only Mayorkas who makes these outrageous statements, but most of the people in the Biden Administration, including our supposed “Immigration Czar”, Vice-President Kamala Harris, who has not even visited our southern border to see first-hand what is happening down there. Never have we seen such outrageous comments by our government officials. You have to wonder as to what planet they are living on to be so blind?
The states of Texas and Arizona are facing this onslaught of illegals with little or no help from the federal government. The border towns and residents in these impacted areas are reeling from the invasion of the illegal migrants. Damage to their property and farms and an increase in crime has escalated exponentially upon those citizens. (desertrose.com) Once the Border Patrol checks the illegals, the federal government, under the leadership of Mayorkas, gives the migrants cell phones, food, medical attention, and money, then they are put on buses and planes and sent around the country (mostly without notice to the states and cities) thereby, theoretically, making the whole country a “border town”. It seems the Biden Administration is tone deaf as to what is happening as the invasion continues uninterrupted on a daily basis.
Texas Governor Abbott, in his frustration at the lack of action of the Biden Administration in stopping the flow of illegals, has taken it upon himself to bus many of the illegals to the “sanctuary” City of Wash. D.C. As a result, D.C. Mayor Bowser, has complained about the stress that has been heaped upon the city to provide shelter and services to the illegals. You could say that her complaints mirror the complaints of the border towns in Texas and Arizona. The “chickens are coming home to roost”, so to speak.
So, the American version of the notorious “Baghdad Bob”, has made our border crisis a mockery of clear thinking. The incompetence of the Biden Administration, and Mayorkas in particular, is put front and center as to how not to govern in a rational manner.
Secretary Mayorkas, and other weak, misguided government officials in the Biden Administration, should be relieved of their duties as they are unable to perform their jobs and duties for the benefit of the American public in a competent manner.
It seems we have too many “Baghdad Bob’s” in our government. A good housecleaning should happen this November so that we could become, as former President Ronald Reagan once said that, “America is a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere”. God bless the United States as we try to survive the incompetence of the Biden Administration.
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