PORTSMOUTH, OH – There is no reason for the Biden administration and the United States Department of Agriculture to hold school lunches hostage from needy children. Baffled, perplexed, confused am I. And let’s just say I’m hopping mad.
According to a recent article in Townhall, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares filed a lawsuit against The U.S. Department of Agriculture, “which is threatening to take away funding for school lunches if schools refuse to adhere to the left’s radical transgender agenda.”
Why is the Biden bunch connecting LBGT mandates to food for kids? The leader of the land of liberty is threatening to take food (via federal nutrition programs) out of the mouths of needy school children. Did I say I’m hopping mad?
A recent article found at the Heritage Foundation on the transgender agenda website reported, “Such a change will, among other things, open up every single-sex restroom, locker room, housing accommodation, sports team, or admission program to the opposite sex. Now, a school’s failure to adhere to “gender identity” anti-discrimination policies will put their federal nutrition assistance funding at risk. The Biden administration’s weaponization of federal law appears to be far from over. (https://charlesmcdaniel.co) ”
So, the Biden bunch are threatening to axe funding for school lunches if they don’t get what they want. The Oval Office cabal wants to target school districts that get federal aid for reduced lunches for needy kids. Why pick on school lunches?
The article in Townhall continues, “The lawsuit states that what Biden is doing is unlawful because it fails to follow the Administrative Procedure Act, which delineates how executive branch agencies must issue new regulations.”
I’m glad that 26 Republican attorneys general penned a letter to the Biden cabal. The following is an excerpt from the correspondence:
We have long had a productive relationship with the federal government, managing various food and nutrition programs guided by the principles of cooperative federalism. We would like to continue this cooperative relationship. But the Guidance flouts the rule of law, relies on patently incorrect legal analysis that is currently under scrutiny in the federal courts, and was issued without giving the States the requisite opportunity to be heard. While we are always open to working with your Administration to resolve these matters, under the present circumstances we are constrained to ask that you direct Secretary Vilsack and the Department of Agriculture to rescind this Guidance.
Attorneys General from the following states signed the letter: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming. With the exception of New Hampshire attorney general, every Republican attorney general joined the coalition.
Do the Biden bamboozlers and hijackers of logic believe that citizens are brainless? Or that we don’t care about the children in our schools. What motive hides beneath the blabbering, jabbering, and nattering of the White House gang?
Now is the time to contact your governor, attorney general, state representatives, and speak out against the hostage of school lunches by the U.S. government. Parents/guardians, contact your state Department of Education, PTA associations, and schools.
Speak up at
- https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse
- https://www.facebook.com/joebiden
- https://www.facebook.com/USDA/
- https://www.facebook.com/USSurgeonGeneral
- https://www.facebook.com/ED.gov
I encourage members of the LBGT community and citizens of the Democratic political party to speak out against Biden’s school lunch funding threat.
Citizens, this op-ed column is not about transgender issues at all. It’s about the audacity of an elected official to withhold food funding. Biden’s intimidation tactic is diabolical and disgusting. Food is not to be used as a political weapon against our children. Yes, I am hopping mad.
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