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Op-Ed: Is The U.S. Securities And Exchange Commission Going Green, Lean, Clean, And Mean?

File photo: Andriy Blokhin, Shutter Stock, licensed.
Tentacles of the WEF climate cabal reach near and far and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission -SEC has jumped onboard the supposedly sinking carbon emissions ship. Will the SEC mandate ESG compliance?  File photo: Andriy Blokhin, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  A global warming crisis and impending cataclysmic climate change story is regurgitated ad nausea by environmental cultists and the mainstream media moguls of meltdown. The gloom and doom members of the World Economic Forum-WEF (aka New World Order elites) are leading the battle cry for citizens to drive expensive electric cars and ditch gasoline-powered vehicles, eat bugs and ban beef, outlaw fossil fuels and embrace winter temperatures, and reside in apartment pods – all to reduce our carbon footprints.

Furthermore, Bill Gates, sidekick to Klaus Schwab (billionaire and founder of the WEF), wants to shield the earth from the sun. Yes, you heard right. Gates wants to spray dust into the atmosphere to block the sun and cool the earth.

Oh, and by the way, there is no solid scientific evidence to support the outrageous claims of global warming being anexistential threat to the human race as purported by the United Nations at their Global Summit.

And supposedly, the business sector creates 70 percent of the earth-shattering, naughty carbon emissions that may someday extinguish human life. The WEF proclaims the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics system is the grand solution for saving humankind.

At the 2020 Annual Meeting in Davos (aka WEF), 120 of the world’s largest companies supported efforts to develop a core set of common metrics (ESG) and disclosures on non-financial factors for their investors and other stakeholders. 

Furthermore, a low ESG score is punishment for noncompliance. Naughty companies receive a low ESG score and therefore should be shunned by consumers and customers. And if Joe Biden (a member of WEF and big pals with Schwab) puts ESG into law in the U.S, then penalties will apply.  

Tentacles of the WEF climate cabal reach near and far and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission -SEC has jumped onboard the supposedly sinking carbon emissions ship. Will the SEC mandate ESG compliance? 

What is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission? 

According to the SEC website the mission of the SEC is to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. The Securities and Exchange Commission has five commissioners who are appointed by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the Senate. Headquartered in Washington D.C., the SEC has 11 regional offices around the country. 

The SEC is inviting public opinion on whether they should adopt the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) metrics system. Comments have been received from individuals and entities using the following Letter Type. 

A: 19 comments. I request that disclosure requirements be streamlined to follow verified scientific methods shown to reduce a brand’s climate impact, such as the standards set forth by the Science Based Targets initiative, in an effort to make measuring a company’s disclosure consistent and simple to understand for consumers and investors. 

B: 2,281 comments. The Securities and Exchange Commission should require that corporate managers be more transparent with shareholders regarding their long-term plans. When I think about where to invest my money, I want to know which companies are serious about a just, green future. 

C: 2,070 comments. Thank you for SEC’s invitation to provide public comment on Climate Change Disclosures, which rightly identifies the urgent need for mandatory climate and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures. Climate change poses potentially catastrophic risks to the environment, communities, and the financial system. As a result, it is vital for you to require climate-related disclosures in order to meet the SEC’s mandate to protect investors; ensure fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation. 

D: 1,506 comments. The SEC should require companies and banks to reveal information about their climate risks, contribution to climate change (including total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions), and other sustainability issues like fair treatment of workers and communities, diversity, equity, and inclusion, environmental and economic benefits and harms, and political spending. As a stakeholder in the economy and financial system, a member of society, and an inhabitant of this planet, this information matters to me and I want the SEC to make sure it is accessible. 

The following are a few of the public comments from citizens about ESG on the SEC website: 

June 22, 2022. Affiliation: SVP-Senior Financial Advisor. First, unless desired by the company and its employees, an individual’s 401k plan should not be used as a political tool to isolated and segregate industries or companies, by ESG Score. Second, government regulations through FINRA or the SEC being used to change behaviors by limiting choice is not and should not be a function of government.  

March 23, 2022. Affiliation: Extremely concerned citizen. I just want to say that as a concerned citizen, investor and employee of a company that will have to waste ridiculous amounts of money and time to try to comply with these insane rules, I strongly protest this proposal and hope, despite all reason to do so, that this pointless regulatory assault is tabled. The SEC has no business getting into the weeds of climate policy. The science is far from settled that carbon emissions pose some huge existential threat, and to even pretend companies can precisely project these supposed \”costs\” is a fools’ errand at best.  

April 17, 2022. Affiliation: President of the Energy Commerce Association – Texas Tech University. I see this proposal creating lots of investment in the Renewable sector (falsely), as well greatly raising the price of electricity all over the country, therefore punishing the poor, and hurting small cap public companies. The bigwig companies that foresaw this proposal (and are pushing it through) do so because they are set up to make huge profits from it, while the smaller companies don’t even have it on their radar. 

April 22, 2022. Affiliation: Hospitality and tourism. I wholeheartedly believe that requiring publicly traded companies to report their environmental impact with regards to greenhouse gas emissions, is a fantastic idea to inform potential investors of what their money will support. Those who acknowledge climate changes grave impacts on the world will excitedly review companies’ environmental disclosures to help take into account which investments they consider. 

Will the WEF and the ESG metrics save the world from the colossal carbon emissions monster created by the dreadful humans? Will the SEC mandate the ESG metrics for all businesses and companies in the USA? Will Team Biden enforce compliance?  

“Lions & tigers & bears, oh my!” sang Dorothy.  

“I’ll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!” threatened the Wicked Witch of the West.  

Let me remind you of what happened to the Wizard of Oz witch. “I’m melting, melting. Ohhhhh, what a world, what a world, destroy my beautiful wickedness.” 

And Dorothy returned home, safe and sound.  

Citizens, you can voice your views/opinions on the SEC going green, lean, clean, and mean on their website at How to Submit Comments. All comments are available to the public.  

Wise up. Stand up. Speak up. 

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