PORTSMOUTH, OH – What might happen when Jews, Christians, and Muslims interact and mingle in three adjacent buildings connected by one raised garden in Abu Dhabi, the capital and the second-most populous city (after Dubai) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)? Abu Dhabi is located in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula, bordering the Persian Gulf.
The Abrahamic Family House is the world’s first religious center where Judaism, Christianity and Islam share the same campus. A church, a mosque, and a synagogue will be housed side by side. A learning center sets in the middle of the three buildings.
Will the Torah, the Bible and the Koran be studied and discussed in peace by visitors and worshippers?
The Abrahamic Family House derives its name from the Old Testament biblical figure, Abraham, who is revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims, according to a 2021 article in the Vatican News.
The Catholic-Muslim Interfaith Council was created by Pope Frances. A global peace covenant called the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace was signed by Pope Francis of the Catholic Church, His Eminence Dr. Ahmad Al Tayeb, and Grand Imam of Al Azhar Al Sharif. The Higher Committee for Human Fraternity manages the Abrahamic Family House. Watch a video here.
Read the Document of Human Fraternity for World Peace in its entirety here.
“The stated purpose of the Abrahamic Family House is to bring understanding and tolerance among the faiths, but there are a couple of notable challenges. First, Abu Dhabi is a part of the UAE where it is illegal for Christians to proselytize and conversion from Islam is prohibited. The Pope represents Roman Catholicism where Christians are free to convert to Islam, but citizens of Abu Dhabi are not free to choose Christ.”
So, my assumption is that individuals cannot share their faith while on this property. No debates. No discussions. No exchange of religious doctrinal conversations. What would the Apostle Paul do? We know his lips would not be silenced.
Christians believe in Jesus as the only way to God. The trinity consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
And even Catholic Christians have some doctrinal issues of disagreement as do dominations of Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Mormon, Jehovah Witness, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Non-Denominational, and the list goes on. Visit the Gospel Coalition website for a Quick Guide to Christian Denominations.
Some Christian denominations teach that Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and the Church of Scientology are cults.
Can Orthodox Judaism and Messianic Judaism followers converse together in peace while lounging in the Abrahamic Family House garden?
Since its declaration of independence in May 1948, the State of Israel has fought eight recognized wars with neighboring Arab states. And the Jewish people yearn to rebuilt their own temple in Israel.
Muslims believe in one God, Allah. And Prophet Muhammad is the most revered of all men.
Neither Jews nor Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah. Christians believe Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead and they study both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Can non-Catholics take communion with the Catholics? Can Muslims attend the Jewish holiday services? What about religious symbols? Would security guards be present during religious services to keep the peace or to squash conflict?
Could it be that religious people can converse on commonalities and ignore religious theology? Forgive and forget the decades of bloody wars fought over religion. Walk the pathway to a utopian one-world religion hand-in-hand.
Behind the Headlines host, Simon Barrett, discussed the Abrahamic Family House on social media. “From a humanistic viewpoint this multi-faith project sounds wonderful. The reality is this in an abomination to God and this is man’s attempt to rebuild the Tower of Babel and will this usher in the Pope Francis vision to build the One World Religion prophesied in the book of Revelation.”
And by the way, Pope Frances has been a featured speaker at the World Economic Forum.
Christians know the Abrahamic Family House will not bring world peace –the only Prince of Peace is Jesus.
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