Op-Ed: Woke McDonald Had A Bug Farm, E-I-E-I-O; Blasts of Bug Hype And Hyperbole To Further The Agenda

PORTSMOUTH, OH – And on this farm, he had a cricket, e-i-e-i-o. When a chirp, chirp here and a chirp, chirp there. Here a chirp, there a chirp, everywhere a chirp, chirp. And on this farm, he had a cockroach, e-i-e-i-o. When a scurry, scurry here and a scurry, scurry there. Here a scurry, there a scurry, everywhere a scurry, scurry.
In sovereign America, citizens have the right to choose their food sources. Forcing people to consume bugs because of bogus ideology is an afront to civil liberties. Freedom is about choice – that’s the bottom line.
The media is buzzing with articles about eating bugs. It’s a blast of bug hype and hyperbole to further the agenda of the Great Reset cabal (aka New World Order, Liberal World Order, Global Reset). And the bug bosses are billionaires Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates – bug buddies at the World Economic Forum -WEF.
In February, The New York Times ran a three-part video series on its opinion page beseeching Americans to buy into the gloom and doom of a dreadful dietary future. The third video proclaims the solution to saving the people and the planet is to “Eat more bugs.”
The video features two insect experts, two insect farmers, and a chef. And they all sang the praises of bug protein, e-i-e-i-o.
The chef works a restaurant named Brooklyn Bugs. “We are edible insect ambassadors. Our mission is to raise appreciation and awareness for edible insects through delicious, educational, and creative programming. Our work is regularly featured in the media as we help to explain how to successfully integrate insect protein into our lifestyles, and why the United Nations endorses them to address food security and sustainability.”
The New York Times also features “The Joy of Cooking (Insects),” an 11-minute opinion video that drips with fear-mongering and guilt. The consumption of meat, milk, and eggs is blamed for the impending extinction of humanity and the earth. “Would you eat bugs for a better environment?” You can watch the film and consider eating mealworm soup, chile-lime cricket tacos, or charred avocado tartare with ant larvae.
Once again, choosing to eat dressed up insects in fancy dishes at a fancy restaurant is a choice. Adding a creamy concoction and spices to grilled crickets and mealworms may even be tasty. I am not opposed to trying safe edible bug food, but a well-balanced meal from the various food groups is my cup of tea.
Nonetheless, do not expect citizens to eat bugs based on political gaslighting; the demonization of cows; and the global domination agenda of the Great Reset autocrats.
By the way, the following individuals are listed as members on the World Economic Forum website: Thomas Armstrong Vice-President, Global Advertising, The New York Times USA; Rebecca Blumenstein Deputy Managing Editor, The New York Times USA; Thomas L. Friedman Columnist, Foreign Affairs, The New York Times USA.
Citizens, are you connecting the WEF climate cult dots?
And what about the food safety of insects? A 2019 article, in Food Science Animal Source journal, discussed allergic reaction, toxicity, and microorganism concerns. “Therefore, the use of insect as food sources may have a potential hazard as a pathogenic vector…In addition, it is practically difficult to remove gut part from edible insects…Further study and investigation determining the hazard substances including allergens and toxic substances and their impacts on pathological symptom in human body should be performed for guaranteeing the safe use of edible insects as feed and food resources.”
Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o,
And on his farm, he had a cow, e-i-e-i-o,
With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there,
Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere moo-moo,
Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
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