WHISTLEBLOWER: Leaked FBI Guide Identifies Potential Domestic Terrorists; Agents Should Take Note of Possible Violent Extremists

Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross Flag
Agents are called upon to associate various “Historical Imagery and Quotes” with domestic terrorists that have co-opted them, such as Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross Flag. The document displays pictures of these flags and describes what they mean to the various groups that currently utilize them. File photo: Ameer Mussard-Afcari, Shutter Stock, licensed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Conservative undercover group Project Veritas has released a document provided to them by an individual they identified as an “FBI whistleblower” that purports that the federal law enforcement agency has singled out specific flags, symbols, people and events as being indicative of “domestic terrorism groups,” otherwise known as “Militia Violent Extremists” [MVEs].

The leaked document, entitled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide,” discusses various flags, symbols, images, vernacular, and even individuals and locations that FBI agents should take note of when investigating a possible domestic terrorism threat.

Firearm activism is a major component of the document, wherein FBI agents are instructed to potentially identify individuals and organizations as suspected MVEs who “justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the right to bear arms.”

In addition, agents are also called upon to associate various “Historical Imagery and Quotes” with domestic terrorists that have co-opted them, such as Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross Flag. The document goes on to display pictures of these flags and describes what they mean to the various groups that currently utilize them.

Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide

Various individuals, events, and locations are also identified as “symbols” and “martyrs” to MVEs, such as Ashli Babbitt, who was shot and killed by Capitol Police during the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol; Ruby Ridge, the site of an eleven-day U.S. Marshals siege in 1992 in Boundary County, Idaho; Waco, Texas, location of the 1993 law enforcement siege of the compound that belonged to the religious sect Branch Davidians; and Timothy McVeigh, the domestic terrorist responsible for the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.

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