PORTSMOUTH, OH – Donald Trump running for president and Ron DeSantis running for vice-president in 2024 – is that a win-win combination? How should Christians pray?
Both Trump and DeSantis are lion-type personalities. So, would this governing relationship survive and thrive in the D. (www.capitalfoodservices.com) C. arena? Can two strong-willed alpha males play in the same sandbox together? Having the common goal of saving America from the sinkhole further dug by Team Biden can be the glue to work together as they expose the Deep State cabal and their treasonous agenda to shake-down and take-down democracy in our land of liberty.
Per the Washington Times, “It would be most interesting, though, if the actual GOP ticket emerged as “DeSantis/Trump 2024” rather than “Trump/DeSantis” wouldn’t it? Then what would the press do? That combination is intriguing and would cause a buzz heard ’round the world, at least for a little while.”
Other potential candidates could include: former Vice-President Mike Pence; former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley; U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida; U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas; and U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, according to a 2021 article in The Des Moines Registrar.
On August 4, 2022, thousands of Christians gathered in Nashville, TN with the Faith and Freedom Coalition. Donald Trump was an invited speaker. Watch the highlights.
What is the Faith & Freedom Coalition?
The following are excerpts from their website:
We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people — the simple virtues of faith, hard work, marriage, family, personal responsibility, and helping the least among us. If we lose sight of these values, America will cease to be great.
Never before has it been more critical for us to speak out for these values. That is why the Faith & Freedom Coalition is committed to educating, equipping, and mobilizing people of faith and like-minded individuals to be effective citizens. Together we will influence public policy and enact legislation that strengthens families, promotes time-honored values, protects the dignity of life and marriage, lowers the tax burden on small business and families, and requires government to tighten its belt and live within its means.
Mobilize and train people of faith to be effective citizens
Speak out in the public arena and in the media on behalf of Christian values
Influence legislation and enact sound public policy at every level of government
Train citizens for effective civic action
Protest bigotry and discrimination against people of faith
The fate and destiny of the great United States of America is in the hands of almighty God. The 2024 presidential election is in the hands of our almighty God. What should believers pray for and how should they pray for political leadership?
Compelling Truth website says the following:
Romans 13:1 tells us that the governing authorities are established by God. We are expected to honor them. In part, we can honor them by praying for their well-being. We also want our governing authorities to lead us well. They can do this best with God’s help, so we pray for them. Solomon asked God for wisdom so that he could lead well (1 Kings 3). We certainly hope that our leaders are praying for wisdom for themselves, but we know that not all of our leaders acknowledge and follow God. And even when they do, adding our prayers to theirs is beneficial. God can use any leader—whether that leader believes in Him or not—so we pray that our governing authorities will know God and will also have His wisdom to carry out the duties of their positions.
We can also pray for protection for our leaders from the schemes of the enemy. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).
Our hope for America percolates in God’s coffeepot and His divine plan for our freedoms in the USA – no matter the person who is elected as our leader in 2024. And our secret weapon is prayer.
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