PORTSMOUTH, OH – Australia is the chosen country – chosen by the global elites (aka, New World Order, Liberal World Order, Great Reset, Global Reset, World Economic Forum) as ground zero for their tyrannical experimentation.
It started with the enforced coronavirus lockdown, forced quarantine camps, and carried through with mandated jab injections.
“Australia’s COVID-19 quarantine camps are drawing global attention this week as videos and reports expose what appears to be the strictest pandemic restrictions in the world,” reported the American Military News in a 2019 article… In one hidden camera video.
Hayley Hodgson, a woman who was forcefully taken from her home and sent to a 14-day quarantine at the so-called Centre for National Resilience in Howard Springs, Northern Territory, captures what appear to be the quarantine camp’s guards warning her to “obey the rules” or face a $5,000 fine.
The Guardian, a mainstream media mafia publication for the Great Reset cabal is accusing Sky News Australia (one of Australian media’s digital leaders) of pushing conspiracy theories to a global audience online. Hmmm, could be sour grapes as well.
According to Fox Business, Bank Australia will stop providing loans for new gas and diesel cars starting in 2025. Instead, it will only be giving loans to those buying new electric vehicles or used gas and diesel cars.
Watch a peculiar video narrated by Prince Charles about how the autocrats are going to reset the planet and humanity. What’s the catch? All countries are absorbed into a one-world empire with a self-appointed dictator and the servants (former citizens) give up country, autonomy, liberty, and property.
Journalist Alex Newman at The New American website surmised, “After peddling coronavirus lockdowns that crushed the economy and funding riots that terrorized the public under the guise of fighting “systemic racism,” Deep State globalists are stepping in to offer their proposed “solution” to the crises they themselves unleashed: A “Great Reset” to transform the world and everything in it, supposedly for the benefit of the masses, but really for the benefit of the ruling classes.
So, the self-appointed saviors of the world will fly into town wearing one-world empire capes to rescue humans and the earth from faux annihilation. They are pretending to be the carbon emission conquerors and lavish lunch ladies with bountiful bug soup. If it wasn’t so truly horrifying – it would be humorous. (eberinsurance.com)
I’ve been reading TOTT News, Australia’s Front Line and perusing their Facebook.
Excerpts from TOTT News reports:
Australians march to oppose NWO [New World Order] agenda. As The Great Reset continues, passionate Australians took to the streets across the country today to voice their concerns over a number of pressing issues, including inflation, manufactured supply shortages, medical hysteria, Agenda 2030, social credit and more.
Queensland teachers, school workers not vaccinated for COVID-19 to suffer pay reduction.
The COVID jab rollout is far from over in Australia, with a range of ‘innovative’ vaccines set to soon be released on our shores and new human clinical trials announced.
Despite state governments beginning to abolish harsh vaccine mandates, major employers have stated policies will not change and “high-risk” workplaces are pushed for a fourth dose.
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have expanded their recommendations on the use of additional booster doses for immunocompromised adolescents.
Newman concludes, “American patriots who love their nation, self-government, the Constitution, and individual liberty will undoubtedly resist. People of faith who believe the Bible and the principles contained within it will, too. The question now is whether the globalists will be able to deceive and manipulate enough people into giving up their freedom in exchange for dishonest promises of “peace” and “safety” that will never be fulfilled.”
Now is the time for American citizens to arm themselves with information and knowledge. Speak out against the 2030 Agenda of the New World Order, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum. Tell Team Biden and his D.C. demons to keep their grubby hands off the U.S. Constitution. Vote in November. Pray daily for the patriots and politicians on the frontlines.
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