PORTSMOUTH, OH – Recently, I read an interesting guest commentary column on the Jerusalem Channel by Richard Aaron Honorof. “A Jewish believer in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)” is how he describes himself at his website called Feed My Sheep.
Honorof penned his view about Joe Biden’s recent visit to Israel. The following are excerpts.
What is about to happen in Israel with U.S. President Biden coming this next week to Israel, from July 13 thru 17th. He represents the Globalist agendas, in their attempt to divide Jerusalem and Israel, wanting to create a Palestinian State with the headquarters in Jerusalem, and also wanting to reverse all that President Trump had accomplished while as U. S. President, with declaring Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel, and by moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. Will President Biden succeed? Or is this the time when God responds and intervenes?
I remember when President Obama came for a three-day visit to Jerusalem on March 22, 2013. First Obama’s special vehicle called ‘the Beast’ broke down. And then the third day Jerusalem went from a clear sky in just three hours suddenly to a violent sand storm which made Obama’s helicopter unable to fly him to his next destination, Bethlehem. Was God speaking loudly?
Let’s take a look at Biden’s agendas. He will be negotiating with the Israeli government, which probably has many Israeli governmental members and also Knesset members on board with this Globalist network. If Biden succeeds in any way in his agendas, the Arab Muslims in Israel will gain much greater political power.
Biden is basically coming to Jerusalem to curse God and the Jewish people, and also to divide up the land of Israel, which God had specifically given by Covenant to His Jewish people. God’s Word in Genesis 12:1-3 says that God curses those that curse Israel.
Also there are two world power groups which are now competing for who will be in control of the world– the Globalists, to which almost all of governments of the nations of the world now belong to–and a small group of five or more nations, with the leading nation being Russia, which now has more nuclear weapons perhaps than all the Globalist nations together. Iran, Turkey, North Korea, and Communist China make up the other nations in this smaller group.
Therefore, I believe that God had reacted strongly against Biden, that he had been shamed and very unsuccessful in his coming visit to Jerusalem. But is that God’s biblical agenda for this time?
What I believe that is coming to Israel scripturally is just the opposite. God wants the Israeli Orthodox Jews to be able to take Mount Zion hill and to put up their house on the Temple Mount area. But the Arab Muslims have control of that area. So, for the Orthodox Jews to put up their house there is now not possible. And if Biden succeeds in any way with his Globalist agendas, then it would be even more difficult, since the Arab Muslims would be given much greater political power in Israel.
To recap, Honorof views Joe Biden and Barack Obama as enemies of Israel and Donald Trump as an ally. And Honorof lumps traitor Joe in with the globalists (aka One World Order, Great Reset, World Economic Forum).
According to a 2018 article in Jerusalem Wired, “President Trump doesn’t just talk. He promises and delivers. He promised when he was a candidate that he would move the US embassy to Jerusalem. A few months back, he decided to officially recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”
Watch Trump’s speech on the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
Let’s take a walk down memory lane. Did you know that 70 years ago, U.S. President Harry Truman recognized the State of Israel and pledged to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem? But the official promise was ignored by all former presidents – until Trump was elected.
However, I want to say that God also loves the Palestinian people and Jesus died on the cross for their sins and salvation as well.
What can Americans citizens do? Pray for peace for the people of Israel and for the people of Palestine. Contact your state representatives and voice support for the Jewish nation.
“Israel was not created in order to disappear—Israel will endure and flourish. It is the child of hope and home of the brave. It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.” –President John K. Kennedy
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