SPRING HILL, FL – America is quickly moving away from the work ethic. As the tentacles of our government on the federal, state and local level grow, our citizens are given more free services and money for choosing not to work. The stated goal is to create equity in our nation, but this will create a large underclass of non-workers. This large underclass will be easier to control then self-made middle- and upper-class entrepreneurs.
Once people are on the government dole, they are easy to manage by the bureaucrats. Dependency on government give-away programs and assistance checks to function will undermine our capitalist economy. Basic needs are covered though the services but dwindle in quality and quantity over time. Reliance on government promises most often ends in disappointment and anger. Once citizens become dependent on government handouts, they are captives of the state.
In the U.S. many immigrants came not for handouts but for freedom and opportunity. In the late 1800s and early 1900s people from all over Europe flooded over America. These immigrants almost never received government assistance, and many would have refused it. They just wanted to earn their own way. (armstone.com.au)
Some immigrants were rejected in Ellis Island for disease, mental health issues and criminal history and sent back to their own countries. Most of the immigrants settled in poor ethnic enclaves and worked themselves up into improved living communities. By the third generation most of them were thought of as being full-fledged American citizens.
The five million illegal immigrants crossing our southern border in the last two years are not being screened. The cartels are being paid thousands of dollars to get immigrants into America. Often these immigrants are required to bring drugs while others have to pay for the assistance by sex trafficking. Our government provides free cell phones, travel, lodging, and food to these illegal immigrants. Many immigrants see the United States as the land of plenty where the government will provide not only for their needs but their wants.
Too many illegals coming into the USA are being deceived. Our nation’s greatness has not been built on socialist policies of equalizing the wealth or taking it from the rich and supposedly giving it to the poor. Many of these people are arriving from corrupt socialist governments that have failed in their promises and currently we are using the same tactics to seduce immigrants into our nation.
In capitalist systems people have the freedom to start businesses and work themselves up the ladder to better positions through their own initiative and effort. Our economy has not been a government controlled one. But many corrupt, self-serving government officials and powerful elites want to eliminate our constitutional republic replaced with a top-down socialistic government.
The democrat party is in control of our government which is attempting to shift us toward a socialist economy. It has been an utter failure. We presently have stagflation, slow down in home building, a stock market that is falling everyday and supply chain chaos. These “brilliant elites” claim this transition is only temporary in the transition to our new socialist world order.
Hopefully the democrat socialist economic disaster of 2020 until now will be replaced by our traditional capitalist one. Small businesses will be encouraged to open through the government relaxing unrealistic and ridiculous requirements and direct interference on how to run their enterprise. Oil corporations will be permitted to drill where there are profitable deposits with reasonable environmental restrictions. Fracking and oil exploration again will be allowed. Small businesses throughout the nation will be allowed to run their businesses without outrageous government restrictions. No government should prevent any businesses from making a profitable living through ingenuity, innovation and effort. America’s greatness is based on the foundation of freedom to prosper and the dignity of lifting oneself up by one’s own bootstraps, which is a fundamental element of our capitalist society.
Free U.S. citizens have spent an extraordinary amount of time and energy to build their businesses from scratch. Many family members pitched in to create a viable enterprise. Their business is their love, and it shows to anyone who enters it. It gives the owners and employees great satisfaction in serving their customers. Their business is their life’s work. It is the reason they wake up to perform the job that they created. It gives them purpose, dignity and meaning to their life.
If these new immigrants do not want to follow our American formula for success in the greatest nation on earth, they need to return to their own countries. The United States is not about giving handouts, it is about giving a “hand up.”
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