New Conservative 24-Hour TV Network Launches in Georgia

Shock jock Matthew Muller interviewing Roger Stone for Conservative Television of America in October, 2021.
Shock jock Matthew Muller interviewing Roger Stone for Conservative Television of America in October, 2021. The New 24-hour TV Network has diverse shows/hosts bringing conservative perspectives on politics, faith, education, family, lifestyle, and current events to viewers craving viewpoints free from ‘woke’ ideologies.

ATLANTA, GA – Conservative Television of America (CTA) has launched an entertaining, informative, and educational TV network airing on various broadcast formats, providing access to viewers all over America. It’s available free immediately to over 80 million homes through streaming services Roku and Amazon FireTV stick; through the Apple App Store and Google Play phone/device apps; and through the local affiliate TV channels (over-the-airwaves) in several designated market areas (DMA’s) in Georgia.


With streaming and digital terrestrial TV now established, CTA’s next endeavor will extend to
participating cable TV and satellite TV systems.

Conservative voices are routinely cancelled by woke mainstream TV networks and social media outlets, creating an enormous hunger for thoughtful perspectives by conservative intellectuals, rising conservative TV stars, and commentators of all stripes. Hosts ranging from Dr. Alan Keyes, (a conservative political activist, pundit, author, former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, former presidential candidate, and U.N. Ambassador appointed by President Ronald Reagan) to Co-Hosts Diamond & Silk, (the popular vloggers, political activists, and outspoken supporters of Trump and detractors of many “norms” such as Covid data and other controversial hot topics), these Conservative Stars bring stimulating content to those who are ‘awake’, not ‘woke.’

CTA has a broad diversity of show host perspectives from Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Female, Male, Jews, Christians, Young, Old, Veterans, Documentarians, Journalists, Commentators, Moms, Dads, Educators, Protagonists, the serious and the comedic! With nearly 20 shows already in the expanding programming lineup, CTA delivers something for everyone! Terry Gilberg, a top news journalist in America hosts Timeline with Terry, CTA’s own daily hour-long news analysis show featuring prominent national guests, broadcast from CTA’s Washington bureau.

CTA is the brainchild of founder, Claude Mancuso, whose Television career (ownership and management) spans over 40 years. Establishing the Conservative Media Network in Atlanta in 2021, he created the CTA brand and has assembled a top-notch cast of remarkable conservative talent from all parts of the country, each with their own brand and fan-base, to broadcast their shows and unique perspectives to CTA viewers. CTA, the acronym for Conservative Television of America, is available for development in over 200 DMA’s (Designated Market Area’s) to establish local affiliates to carry the CTA banner, broadcast the ‘nationalized’ CTA programming throughout 18 hours of the day, and broadcast up to 6 hours of ‘localized’ programming each day between 7-9am, 4-6pm, and 11pm-1am! Local programs meet the CTA quality criteria for content, and fit the CTA philosophy, which aligns with the America First paradigm. CTA, Conservative Television of America, was developed to serve as an arena for conservative voices and perspectives to be shared with society. Conservative Media Network manages the qualification and licensing/servicing of the local CTA affiliates throughout America. (louismassaro) CTA has the vision of being a forum for varied content to be shared, debated, challenged, and respectfully represented. The hosts and programs are intended to be informative, entertaining, helpful, and stimulating to a conservative audience, and perhaps persuasive to politically independent viewers.

Liberals are welcome too. CTA’s comedy shows, Stand Up America and You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me
(currently in development and in pilot production), will make everyone laugh.

CTA is a Call to Action: Interested parties or interested viewers should download the CTA app on any of the platforms described herein, such as the Roku App, Amazon FireTV stick, or the iphone or Adroid apps. Individuals may visit to view live on-air programming, or to access the giant archive of Video-On-Demand for each of the shows! Stream any show anytime, or ‘binge-watch’ any show from the library! Once you’ve seen Cedric & Brian, you’ll want to see what they’ve been talking about all along.

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