Op-Ed: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a Congress Witness Throw Tantrums and Blame Senator Higgins

PORTSMOUTH, OH – As a mental health therapist of decades, I’ve specialized in working with domestic violence (DV) women; set on DV boards; volunteered at DV shelter; and attended legislation meetings. I’ve also provided counseling services for male batterers and offenders. And studying human behavior is my thing.
As I watched Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) verbally accuse Senator Clay Higgins of abusing women in private because of how he questioned a climate activist witness, I was astounded with her attempt to scold, humiliate and slander a fellow politician. Is that grounds for a defamation lawsuit?
Folks, it’s called projection. AOC and the witness threw tantrums then hurled their own reactions onto the congressman. It was bizarre, but common in in the virtue signaling movement.
Watch the incident on YouTube and come to your own conclusion.
AOC blasted Rep. Clay Higgins after the Louisiana congressman tried repeatedly to prompt a hostile witness to answer his questions during a climate change hearing over the impact of the oil and gas industry during a recent House Oversight Committee hearing.
“Men who treat women like that in public, I fear how they treat them in private,” Ocasio-Cortez ranted.
Argh. If her mentor is Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the United States House of Representatives, then it’s time to get a new one.
Being overly emotional and angry, both women responded unprofessionally, to say the least. Frankly, it was embarrassing for me to watch adult females behave like schoolgirls who didn’t get a turn on the playground swings. And blamed the boys when the recess bell rang.
The New York Post reported:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it’s unlikely she could ever be elected president of the United States — because so many people in America “hate women” and “would never let that happen.”
That’s what a therapist calls a universal statement – all or nothing. Who hates women? To whom is AOC referring? Males, females, or both.
Ocasio-Cortez said that while she tries to hold onto the belief that anything is possible, her experience in Congress has “given me a front-row seat to how deeply and unconsciously, as well as consciously, so many people in this country hate women.”
So, is she implying that the elected men and women in congress hate women or just the men or just the women?
“And they hate women of color,” added the 32-year-old.
So, the politicians in D.C. hate women of color. Can she provide examples and evidence?
Elsewhere in the interview, the congresswoman spoke of the “open hostility” she encountered from her own Democratic Party colleagues after taking office in 2018…“It was open hostility, open hostility to my presence, my existence,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
And the Democrats in congress mistreated her as well. Self-pity isn’t pretty and neither is the blame-shame game.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an American Democratic Socialist who made headlines in 2018 by beating a 10-term New York Democrat incumbent in a congressional primary, before becoming the youngest woman ever elected to Congress.
Furthermore, AOC is blinded by the ideology of Democratic socialism. America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and freedom-loving citizens will fight to keep it that way.
Learning to manage her emotions in the political arena would better serve AOC. Hopefully, more experience coupled with time, maturity, and the gaining of wisdom will tame her tongue and limbic system.
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