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Op-Ed: Lamestream Columbia Journal Review and the Guardian, Along with Bill Gates Continue the Climate Crisis Ruse

Bill Gates at the Elysee Palace to encounter the french president to speak about Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF).
Bill Gates at the Elysee Palace to encounter the french president to speak about Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). File photo: Frederic Legrand – COMEO, Shutter Stock, licensed.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – Being in the front pocket of globalists, mainstream media goes full steam ahead with unscientific reports on their climate change agenda manufactured by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.  

Peruse my former column Mainstream Media Sources That Promoted Climate Crisis Propaganda, in The Published Reporter where I provided foundational information about the “Big Daddy” media outlet of climate crisis lies – Columbia Journalism Review (CJR).

An article titled, “Eric Holthaus on how meteorology can support journalism” was featured on October 5 in the CJR. 


Last week, as millions of Florida residents prepared for the landfall of Hurricane Ian, Eric Holthaus, a Minnesota-based meteorologist and journalist, prepared his staff of meteorologists and journalists at Currently—“a weather service for the climate emergency”—to cover the Category 4 storm. 

We call Currently “a weather service for the climate emergency.” Weather is the most immediate impact of climate change.  

Here’s the falsehood. Hurricane Ian was not caused by global warming (aka, carbon emissions). They changed the term “global warming” to the term “climate change” because carbon emissions destroying the planet and the people was debunked by climate scientists.

The CJR continues: “When we see folks posting on social media about a storm, we try to approach them and tell the story with them, as long as it doesn’t feel exploitative. We’re also trying to pay them for their time—fifty dollars an hour, if it’s a longer interview. All of these things are probably crossing all sorts of traditional journalistic-ethics guidelines. We have evolving journalistic-ethics guidelines. Paying someone for their time seems like a justice move.” 

Okay, I’m confused. The CJR paid ordinary people to tell their Ian storm story, but questions the ethics and rationalizes the unethical reporting because of justice. Really? I smell a skunk. 

Let’s connect the dots to another lamestream media source that promotes the emergency climate crisis hoax and sounds the alarm routinely. The Guardian is on the same page with the CJR concerning carbon emissions.

The Guardian is a climate crisis hoaxer 

The Guardian News & Media (GNM) is owned by The Scott Trust, “whose core purpose is to ensure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity.” GMG board members including Charles Gurassa as chair and Katharine Viner. The Guardian has a UK, US, Australia, and International edition of its online newspaper 

The following message pops up when readers go to the Guardian website“Support climate journalism. The world can’t wait. The Guardian is doing everything it can to confront the climate crisis. We report relentlessly on its causes, consequences and casualties, even as the world gets hotter and weather patterns turn more destructive, more deadly. Totally independent, we keep pressure on government and business to mitigate, decarbonise, go green. We’ve rejected fossil fuel advertising and carbon investments, and are cutting our own emissions. This makes us different.” A picture of earth heating up is depicted along with a thermometer.   

Climate Pledge: 


In 2019, the Guardian made a pledge in service of the planet. We declared that the escalating climate crisis was the defining issue of our lifetime, and that quality, trustworthy reporting on the environment was an important tool to confront it. We promised to provide journalism that shows leadership, urgency, authority and gives the climate emergency the sustained attention and prominence it demands. 

We also vowed to practice what we preach, striving to green our operations as a global news organization and achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. 

The Guardian will achieve net zero emissions by 2030. 

We took the decision earlier in 2020 to stop accepting advertising from fossil-fuel extractive companies, and have eliminated more than 95% of our investment exposure to fossil fuels. 

In May 2019, the Guardian updated its style guide to introduce terms that more accurately describe the environmental crises facing the world, using “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and “global heating” instead of “climate change” and “global warming.”  

Folks, changing the language is a ploy to change the mindset of citizens. Global warming is not based in science, so climate cultists are replacing it, but both global heating and global cooling are natural occurrences.  

Let’s connect more dots. The Guardian reports on COP27, a climate emergency agenda from the United Nations – a major manufacturer of the climate crisis hoax along with the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, and climate cultists Bill Gates, Al Gore, and John Kerry. 

Guardian and Bill Gates partnership

In 2010 “The Guardian today has launched a new website in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help focus the world’s attention on global development…One aim of the website, which launches just a week before a major UN summit, is to hold governments, institutions and NGOs accountable for the implementation of the United Nations millennium development goals (MDGs), which 192 countries signed up to in 2000.”  

According to a 2012 article in the Guardian: “A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change.” 

Does Gates Foundation help fund the Guardian? 

Committed grants, Guardian News & Media Ltd: Grantee website, London, United Kingdom“Purpose. To support The Guardian to produce regular reporting on global health and development topics in its Global Development section.”

My question: Is it unethical for a newspaper to receive money from a climate change activist in order to investigate and publish stories about climate change? Both Gates and Guardian promote the climate emergency hoax of annihilation due to carbon emission.  

Let’s review. The New World Order cabal (aka, World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organization, global banks and corporations, the USA Deep State, China, and other countries) are using the climate crisis hoax to terminate fossil fuels, enforce climate lockdowns, impose a carbon tax, in order to bankrupt countries to build a powerful one-government empire. 

But the good news is that citizens around the world are waking up, standing up and speaking out against the global elites. Power to the people – we will prevail. 

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