NEW YORK, NY – In a shocking development, a senior executive at Pfizer has admitted that the pharmaceutical giant was unaware if their COVID-19 vaccine would be able to prevent transmission of the virus prior to its worldwide release.
The admission was made on Monday by Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, as she was testifying before the European Union Parliament. Small was asked by Dutch Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Rob Roos a simple and direct question: had the vaccine been tested for its effectiveness on stopping transmission of the virus before it was distributed globally?
“If not, please say it clearly. If yes, are you willing to share the data with this committee?” Roos queried. “And I really want a straight answer, yes or no, and I’m looking forward to it.”
Small – who had replaced absent Pfizer Chief Executive Albert Bourla at the hearing, who had originally been slated to testify but had to pull out – appeared nervous when replying, saying that the company “had to do everything at risk.”
“Regarding the question around, um…did we know about stopping the immunization before it entered the market? No, heh,” she said. “Uh, these, um, you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market, and from that point of view we had to do everything at risk. I think Dr Bourla, even though he’s not here, would turn around and say to you himself, ‘If not us, then who?’”
Small also noted that Bourla felt that the COVID-19 pandemic was important enough that Pfizer essentially did what it needed to do to get their vaccine to the market in a timely manner.
“Dr. Bourla actually felt the importance of what was going on in the world,” she said. “And therefore as a result of that, we actually, um, spent $US2 billion, at risk, of self-funded money from Pfizer, to be able to research, develop and manufacture at risk, to be able to make sure that we were in a position to be able to help with the pandemic.”
A clip of Small’s response was posted on Twitter by Roos, who said that her admission was “shocking” and that it had “removed the entire legal basis for the COVID passport,” a document required by many counties to prove that an individual was vaccinated against the virus before they could use services such as restaurants and entertainment venues.
“The COVID passport led to massive institutional discrimination as people lost access to essential parts of society. I find this to be shocking, and even criminal,” he said. “Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others.’ Now this turned out to be a cheap lie. This should be exposed.”
According to John Hopkins University of Medicine, most vaccines actually prevent transmission of diseases by reducing the number of those infected to begin with, thereby lowering transmission rates as a whole as more people are inoculated.
“Many vaccines can also prevent transmission, potentially leading to herd protection whereby unvaccinated people are protected from infection by the vaccinated people around them because they have less chance of exposure to the virus,” they said in their online vaccine FAQ. “We are still learning whether or not the current Covid-19 vaccines prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. It is likely they reduce the risk of virus transmission but probably not completely in everyone.”
The Food and Drug Administration’s website also notes that, “Most vaccines that protect from viral illnesses also reduce transmission of the virus that causes the disease by those who are vaccinated. While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine will reduce such transmission. (https://louisvilleroofing.com/) ”
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