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Op-Ed: The Sexualization Woke War on Kids Continues and May Be Coming to a Public School Near You

Drag Queen Story Time
James Miller, who teaches at the Mountain Gap Middle School in Huntsville, Alabama, is also a drag queen under the stage name “Miss Majesty Divine” who hosts regular Drag Queen Story Time events that he promotes on his Facebook page. Image credit: Libs of TikTok.,

PORTSMOUTH, OH –  How woke is your school district? That’s the question. And you need to find the answer. Public schools in the USA are coming under fire for drag queens indoctrinating younger children under the guise of story hour, porn literacy, gender transitioning, and lying to parents.  

What is going on in Idaho schools? It’s deceptive, disgusting, and debauchery. 

“Parents in Idaho, for example, caught the state government this month offering “porn literacy” to students.”  

Read the tweet: Idaho’s government offers “porn literacy” to students, planned parenthood curriculum and advocates for abortion. If this can happen in Idaho, it can happen anywhere. 

A parent sued a Maine school district for offering books with “sexually graphic material, including descriptions of queer sex,” according to a 2022 article in the Free Beacon.

“A Massachusetts school district secretly promoted the gender transitions of a pair of siblings against their parent’s wishes, the outraged adults claim in a lawsuit,” according to a 2022 article in the New York Post. The parents asked the middle school staff “not to have private conversations with their kids about gender issues — but claim in court papers that the superintendent, principal, guidance counselor and teachers ignored the request, even referring to their biological daughter and son by other pronouns without the parents’ knowledge.” 

Is an Ohio school is encouraging students to gender transition without parental consent? “Hilliard City School District participates in the National Education Association’s “I’m Here” program, which encourages teachers to wear the badge. The group says the program is supposed to educate teachers on how to respond to LGBT students. But a Washington Free Beacon review found that the QR code takes students to resources that describe abortion as the removal of “pregnancy tissue,” encourage gender transitioning without parental consent, and promote sex work.”

The Hilliard Education Association is listed on The National Education Association (NEA) website along with other “co-branded partners.” The NEA Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ Caucus works “to eliminate institutional discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia, monitors and participates in the development of NEA policies and activities, provides resources and fosters better communication among educators, students, and communities.

The NEA needs to foster communication with parents/guardians. 

The following is an excerpt from The Hilliard Education Association: “Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 10 to 24, and LGBTQ+ youth are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers. This elevated risk is not because of who LGBTQ+ children are but because of how they are mistreated and stigmatized by the people around them. They need to know there are adults who care about and value them, regardless of who they are, where they’re from, what they look like, their gender identity, or who they love.”   

As a former mental health therapist, I support suicide prevention and intervention for all youth. But, do these nonprofit organizations that schools partner with reach out to parents and encourage youth to talk to them as well? Do they recommend family therapy?  

According to a 2021 article in the New York Post, a parent in the Spreckels Union School District reported that teachers coached her 12-year-old daughter on becoming a boy, choosing a boy’s name and hiding the plan from the family.

Folks, teachers are not the parents – and school counselors/school personnel/school boards do not love kids more than parents – and pinning students against parents can increase mental health issues. Schools need to partner with parents – not organizations that promote gender transition behind a parent’s back. School staff that tell kids to lie are teaching kids to lie. 

The following message is an excerpt of a session from the American School Counselors Association conference on July 2022. Are school counselors lying to parents? “School counselors have become extremely radical and are the biggest recruiters for students for the Transgender Cult and advocates for Critical Race Theory in K-12.” The school counselor speaker stated, “Our kids are being erased by laws such as Parent’s Bill of Rights. You have to learn the rules so you know how to break them.” And girls are taught how to hide birth control from mothers. Watch the video clip.

So, school counselors are breaking rules on purpose and without parental consent – deceptive role models that teach kids to lie to their parents. Parents are not the enemy. The purpose of school is not sexualization and gender-bending indoctrination.  

“Your true gender may be different than the gender that a doctor assigned you, which is perfectly normal, valid, and wonderful,” a Coming Out Handbook for youth asserts. 

A recent article reports, “Vanderbilt University Medical Center has agreed to temporarily stop performing body mutilating sex-change surgeries on minors suffering from gender dysphoria following backlash from the public and elected officials.”

Adult transgender advocates have a right to their views, but they don’t have a right to indoctrinate and teach kids to lie to parents.  

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