DeSantis to Continue Illegal Immigrant Flights to Blue States

DeSantis Media Center
DeSantis’ communications director, Taryn Fenske, said the delay for flying the two new groups of migrants to Delaware and Illinois was due to Florida’s struggle with the aftermath of Hurricane Ian’s passing. File photo: DeSantis Media Center.

TALLAHASSEE, FL – As confirmed by Ron DeSantis’ spokeswoman on Saturday, Republican Florida Governor DeSantis is planning to continue flying illegal immigrants to Democratic-run states, following a report on Friday that showed that the state had already paid to set up two new flights of migrants to two “blue” regions.

Documents from the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) are said to show that Florida has paid approximately $1 million to arrange two sets of flights carrying approximately 100 migrants who had illegally entered the country, destined for Delaware and Illinois.

While reports indicate that the flights were originally scheduled to depart prior to October 3, it appears that they are currently postponed; the contractor that was hired by Florida to transport the migrants has extended the deadline for the flights until December 1, as per memos from the DOT.

DeSantis’ communications director, Taryn Fenske, said the delay for flying the two new groups of migrants to Delaware and Illinois was due to Florida’s struggle with the aftermath of Hurricane Ian’s passing.

“While Florida has had all hands on deck responding to our catastrophic hurricane, the immigration relocation program remains active,” Fenske said.

DeSantis had previously flown 49 migrants – most hailing from Venezuela – without any prior notice from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts on September 14, where former President Barack Obama owns a residence.

The Florida Governor, responding to criticism that the Martha’s Vineyard flight was merely an expensive political stunt, said that his reasoning for doing so was to point out the failed border policies of the Biden Administration. Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott has also transported illegal migrants to Democratic-run states as well, dropping off a busload in front of the Washington D.C. home of Vice President Kamala Harris on September 15.

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