PORTSMOUTH, OH – Protecting children from the vomitus and revolting woke movement that desires to destroy a child’s health view of sexuality by exposing them to grown men twirling and twizzling for their own sexual gratification – must be a mission for sensible and rational citizens that care deeply about kids and society. Sexual child abuse is a criminal act and the acts shown in the video clips in this column are a form of sexual abuse in my personal and professional opinion.
Applause goes to The Post Millennial (PM), a newspaper with the guts to report stories on drag queen sexualization and indoctrination events. Founded in 2017, the PM a news organization in Canada, is also conservative.
According to a 2022 article in the PM, a nearly naked drag queen strolls around the bar floor in Miami, Florida, at ‘Drag Brunch’ holding the hand of a small girl. Libs of TikTok posted a 16-second video.
Folks, the Tweeter clip reveals one of the most perverted hypersexualized acts of a child I have ever seen on trans grooming in a public place via a video. The depraved, degenerate, debauched (not enough words to describe the abusive nastiness) transgender male exposes huge breasts with only nipples covered and dollar bills hanging out of a thong with bare cheeks jiggling. Music is playing and adult laughter is heard in the background. Why would an adult male partake in an immoral act with an innocent child? Why would a mother or a father allow such lewdness and obscenity to be perpetrated upon their own child? Call the police, arrest the predator, call Children’s Services, arrest the parent, shut down the bar permanently, and fine the owner a hefty fee. This isn’t about diversity or inclusivity or accepting the differences of others – it’s a purposeful agenda to warp the minds of children with sexualization and grooming.
Another article in PM reported on a drag queen event in Texas. The trans male accepted money from a child and then made a suggestive show of pulling out what appeared to be a beaded rope from between the performer’s legs and waving it around.
Watch the clip and further evidence of exposing children to the sickening fetishes of adult males. Throughout the show aberrant parents could be seen handing children money to give to the perverted performers. Do these pathetic parents actually believe this type of wokeness is socially healthy for kids?
“Drag Queen Story Hour is the intentional ‘queering’ of early childhood education,” is the title of a 2022 opinion piece in PM. It examines an article called “Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood,” by Harper Keenan, an education academic, and Lil Miss Hot Mess, a “founding queen” of Drag Queen Story Hour. They gushed on how “progressive and revolutionary it is to put men in garish women’s costumes in classrooms.”
Folks, read the entire article by Keenan. It reveals proof of gender-bender propagandizing of children and not merely for entertainment as espoused by drag queens. They want to increase the population of drag queens and trans.
“We argue that the programme creates a pathway into the imaginative, messy, and rule-breaking aspects of drag for children without necessarily watering down queer cultures…Ultimately, we suggest that drag pedagogy offers one model for learning not simply about queer lives, but how to live queerly…What might strategic defiance look like in a classroom setting? How might teachers encourage children to talk back, rather than suppressing dissent?…How can educators teach children how to skillfully question authority or break the rules?” writes Keenan.
Host Matt Walsh further investigated a story in the PM about a child “starring in controversial drag queen event had been mentored by an accused child sex offender.” An 11-year-old child with the drag queen name of Venellope performed around different events in the state of Oregon, sometimes with “grown male performed in risqué outfits,” since at least 2018. Venellope’s handler is her drag mom, but not her parent or guardian. The article further states Venellope’s other “drag mom” was arrested and charged with “12 felonies related to making and distributing child pornography.”
Walsh asserts that “involving children in drag events in any capacity should be outrighted criminalized everywhere…Charge them all as pedophiles…Throw them in prison…That man in the first clip dancing around with his skirt up should be treated legally as a child predator. That’s the level of protection that our children are owed.”
In the clip, a drag queen rushes into a restaurant and dances around a group of adult customers with his skirt pulled up to show panties. The sexualized song lyrics are not appropriate for a child or for a public place. The trans male turns with panties in full view and prances in front of the child who looks to be around four years of age. The scene was disturbing and sickening.
According to The National Child Traumatic Stress Network, child sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult (or another child) in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or an observer. Sexual abuse can include both touching and non-touching behaviors. Non-touching behaviors can include voyeurism (trying to look at a child’s naked body), exhibitionism, or exposing the child to pornography.
According to the CDC, child sexual abuse is a significant public health problem and an adverse childhood experience (ACE). Child sexual abuse refers to the involvement of a child (person less than 18 years old) in sexual activity that violates the laws or social taboos of society and that he/she: does not fully comprehend; does not consent to or is unable to give informed consent to; or is not developmentally prepared for and cannot give consent to.
What can you do? Post my column on social media and stand up for the protection of children. Boycott bars and any establishment that exposes children to drag queen events. Undercover cops need to attend the events, videotape the perversion and send to child protection agencies. Contact your state representatives about making laws to protect children and prosecute drag queens that sexualize and groom children.
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