Op-Ed: “Drag Kids,” the Canadian Documentary Promotes Mini Drag Queens and Parents Applaud

PORTSMOUTH, OH – The USA is not the only nation with a woke segment of the population that indoctrinates and sexualizes children into the depraved cult movement of drag queens (aka, adult males that dress in hideous outfits to represent female caricatures) or the non-science based transgender zone.
Male children do not wake up one morning and proclaim they want to become mini drag queens with caked on makeup and sparkly accessories. They have to first be exposed to drag queen mania. They have to learn about drag queens via parents/guardians, media, or exposure to adult drag queens at private or public venues.
Children are not born as drag queens. Male children are not born as transgendered. No child is born in the wrong body. Lady GaGa needs to read a biology book – and write a new song about chromosomes and hormones.
“The CBC Docs POV documentary Drag Kids profiles four young performers and their shared passion for the art of drag. Nemis, Bracken, Jason and Stephan — a.k.a. Queen Lactatia, Bracken Gvasalia, Suzan Bee Anthony and Laddy GaGa — perform, pose and strut down catwalks in costumes and personas of their own creation,” according to CBC Canada.
Stephan, Nemis, Bracken and Jason are very different kids living in very different parts of the world, but they’re united by a deep love of drag.
Fiery Stephan (a.k.a. Laddy Gaga), 9, lives with his British expat family in the south of Spain, where his explosive performances can’t be contained by their villa, so he has started performing at tourist restaurants.
Shy Jason (a.k.a. Suzan Bee Anthony), 11, lives in the U.S. Bible Belt where his chosen family have formed a protective circle around him that has allowed his sassy alter ego to blossom.
Precocious Bracken, 11, lives in Vancouver, where she struggles for acceptance as a “hyper queen” (a female drag performer) and for opportunities to connect in the 19-plus world of drag shows.
Child star Nemis (a.k.a. Queen Lactatia), 9, lives in Montreal, and with the help of his “momager,” he loves pushing boundaries, from selling his merch at a local fetish store to judging a vogue ball in a downtown bar.
Watch the CBC Docs POV documentary on YouTube as well.
Vice Canada on Twitter predicts, “These kids are the next generation of drag queens.”
Drag kids: How their parents protect them from the haters – a segment of the documentary takes others to task. “One of the most common accusations levelled against the parents is that they are pushing their children into drag, sexualizing them and damaging their mental health.”
Yes, I would agree with the above statement about parents that allow children to parade around in outlandish costumes and entertain adults for profit. What exactly is the merchandize sold at the local fetish store as mentioned in the story? How much money is made while judging a vogue ball in a bar? Or do the kids perform at no cost – charity drag? Is the liquor flowing during the event? Are the adult males in the audience dressed in thongs and high-heels with genitals barely covered?
So, freedom of speech is considered hatred and criticism when rational adults speak out for the physical, psychological, and social safety of children. Folks, it’s an upside-down world when child sexualization is considered as fun and acceptable – and legal.
Of course, adults should not be hurling insults at children dressed in drag – adults should not hurl insults at any children for any reason.
Moreover, let’s review a 2019 article in Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) titled, “10-Year-Old ‘Baby Drag’ Boy Photographed With Naked Adult Drag Queen.”
“Huck Magazine [404 error] sparked outrage after it featured a 10-year-old Canadian boy named Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden posing next to a naked man in a recent photo shoot. The photo shoot included an unpublished photo of the child posing next to “RuPaul’s Drag Race” winner Violet Chachki,” reported CBN. The picture of Chachki embracing the 10-year-old while wearing nothing but a wig, high heels and a piece of cloth to cover his genitals was suspended by Twitter.
Media stories that promote drag queens entertaining kids
“Drag is not dangerous: How exposing your kids to drag performance can be a good thing,” asserts an article in Salon.
“Drag queen promotes acceptance and inclusion at Vancouver Island schools,” purports a piece in the Vancouver Island Free Daily.
“Drag Queen Story Hour Is The Kids’ Program We All Need In Our Lives,” proclaims a HuffPost Canada.
“Drag queens are not the ones sexualizing drag story hour,” says a Washington Post piece.
“Drag Queens won’t be cowed by haters. The story hour goes on,” declares NBC News.
“Drag Queens in the Classroom Teach Inclusion and Fun, Offering a World of Imagination,” surmises an article in Teen Vogue.
“Drag Queen Story Hour Puts the Rainbow in Reading,” says The New York Times.
Drag Queen story hour continues in Canada
According to a recent article in The Suburban, a story time session featuring Montreal drag queen Barbada de Barbades will be taking place in St. Laurent in November – despite former protesting by community members. View on Twitter.
A 2022 article in Rebel News shows the salacious side.
Drag queen Kitty Demure decries that children don’t belong at drag shows. “It sexualizes children. And it’s an adult space…There’s underage drinking. There’s alcohol. There’s drugs,” Demure states on the video interview.
“In addition, many government-sponsored drag queen events for children have occurred at the local level throughout Canada and the United States. The question is, are these events really appropriate for children? And what will the repercussions be? Why are we seeing a huge increase in these activities involving drag queens and children in recent times?” asks Rebel News.
Nonetheless, the slippery slope has plummeted in the quagmire as children are turned into miniature versions of adult drag queens. What’s next?
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