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Op-Ed: Drag Queens Sexualizing Children in Great Britain Just as Perverted as Gender-Benders in USA and Canada

Sharon Le Grand
Ms Sharon Le Grand, who performed to a crowd at the River Stage festival in south London recently, went on a tirade about “inclusivity” before making the remark that stunned event-goers. Instagram (@mssharonlegrand) / Ms Sharon Le Grand.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – According to a 2022 article in Rebel News, “A drag queen has been banned from performing any future shows at Britain’s National Theatre after he made a sex joke about children, mortifying parents who were present at a recent show.” 

Hmmm. And just what did Sharon Le Grand say that was so naughty?  

“We need to teach our children to open their hearts, teach our children to open their minds… and to teach our children to open their legs,” said the male performer. 

This is me cringing and closing my eyeballs. Sexual child abuse is never funny nor a source of comedy to be thrown around a stage by anyone. Double cringe – because children were in the audience.  

What kind of a perverted brain lives inside the skull of this adult male? The depraved drag queen was banned from the River Stage by Britain’s National Theatre. That’s it – that was the consequence for sexualizing children in the presence of children. Mission accomplished by the groomer in grotesque attire and caked on makeup. 

And why would responsible and sensible parents/guardians take their children to a drag queen festival for adult entertainment? They wouldn’t. Parents need to point the finger right back at themselves and wise up. There’s no such thing as a family-friendly drag show – duh. 

“From Fanny Cradock tributes to Oozing Gloop: 15 of the best drag nights in Britain,” is a 2019 article in The Guardian. Vulgar and lewd language is used to describe the drag queens before and after promoting story time for children. “Drag Queen Story Time! The library is open! Take a breather from Canal Street’s madness for a twist on the classic bedtime tale. Mistress of ceremonies the Nightbus – Europe’s premier bearded Muslim drag queen – will be reading a QPOC-led story, in an important chance for kids to discover LGBTQ role models of colour. ( ” 

“Drag queen storytime in England promotes compassion and inclusion. British far-right extremists are importing US hate against them,” is a 2022 report by CNN. “This is the same hate (as seen in the US) but just in a different context … the same disgust, the same homophobia and transphobia,” Sab Samuel, who founded Drag Queen Story Hour UK, told CNN. 

“Shocking footage of ‘family friendly’ drag queen show sees performer spreading their legs and thrusting their breasts in front of children who are encouraged to leave tips,” reports a 2022 article in The Daily Mail UK.

A male podcast host from the UK interviewed two males (one being gay) and showed a YouTube video on Britain’s First Drag Queen Story Hour for Kids. They first discussed drag queen events in America that sexualize kids and expressed their disgust. “For me, this is probably the plainest example of a kind of sickness that I’ve ever seen…I think there is something profoundly sick about people that want to do this in front of children…What motivates these people to do that?” the gay male stated. 

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Next, they reviewed news stories that discussed drag queens twerking in front of children in the UK. “Literally, it’s a way to get access to kids.” They all agreed that political wokeness gives predators a LGBTQ+ shield to hide behind for the purpose of grooming children – and they condemned it.  

Now is the time for gay men, straight men, and trans men to stand up and speak out against the sexualization of kids by drag queens. 

Moreover, how many of these drag queens volunteer to provide any history of criminal background to verify they are not sex offenders? How many bars, libraries, festivals, and events request background checks? 

“Intense fear and hatred” is the phrase being used by members of the trans movements to label and censor people that disagree with drag queens indoctrinating and sexualizing children – whether at bars, festivals, libraries, schools, or any public venue.   

The woke crowd can call me homophobic, transphobic, or drag-phobic, but adult males (whether trans, gay, or straight) dressed in drag (whether thongs, evening gowns, or ballerina tutus) have no business twerking, jerking, gyrating, twirling, swirling, shaking, singing, dancing, prancing, swishing hips, spreading legs, and/or grabbing genitals in front of any children anywhere at any time. And just how does an adult man in a wig with mammoth fake breasts, a short skirt and a thong teach babies and toddlers about inclusivity? Are these males in drag 24/7 to promote diversity or do the costumes come off at home?  

And it’s not about LGBTQ+ discrimination. I have no issues with adult drag queens entertaining other adults in adult spaces, so that argument won’t fly.  

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