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Op-Ed: College Professor Harris Kornstein, AKA Lil Miss Hot Mess, Is Key Player in Covert Drag Queen Indoctrination of Children, Families

Lil Miss Hot Mess is a documentary exploring the complex identity of a drag performer. Image credit: Lil Miss Hot Mess / The Doc Challenge / YouTube.
Lil Miss Hot Mess is a documentary exploring the complex identity of a drag performer. Image credit: Lil Miss Hot Mess / The Doc Challenge / YouTube.

PORTSMOUTH, OH – Running across the 2022 article in the City Journal titled “The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour” by Christopher Rufo validated and verified my own research and information in my op-ed columns on the transgender movement and the indoctrination and sexualization of children via drag queen events.  

With a master’s degree from Harvard, Rufo, the director of the initiative on critical race theory at Manhattan Institute, is a contributing editor of City Journal where he explores gender ideology among other issues. Located in New York, City Journal functions as both a local and national magazine.  

The following paragraph reads as an abstract for Rufo’s article:  

The drag queen might appear as a comic figure, but he carries an utterly serious message: the deconstruction of sex, the reconstruction of child sexuality, and the subversion of middle-class family life. The ideology that drives this movement was born in the sex dungeons of San Francisco and incubated in the academy. It is now being transmitted, with official state support, in a number of public libraries and schools across the United States. By excavating the foundations of this ideology and sifting through the literature of its activists, parents and citizens can finally understand the new sexual politics and formulate a strategy for resisting it. 

Rufo wants us to understand how queer theory paved the way for the modern drag queen crusade and the covert operation of brainwashing children and families into transgenderism and sexual deviance. 

In 1984, queer theory reignited a fire as lesbian activist and writer, Gayle Rubin published her 37-page essay “Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality.” Rubin opined the “most despised sexual castes currently include transsexuals, transvestites, fetishists, sadomasochists, sex workers such as prostitutes and porn models, and the lowliest of all, those whose eroticism transgresses generational boundaries” and she wanted change in societal sexuality to uplift sexual deviance into the mainstream.

French philosopher Michel Foucault, the father figure of queer theory, argued that adult-child sex should be legalized. And Rubin turned to Foucault’s ideology as her foundational tenets. 

“The second prerequisite for understanding Drag Queen Story Hour is to understand the historical development of the art of drag,” writes Rufo. Next, comes the story of William Dorsey Swann, a man who called himself the “queen of drag.”  

Drag became explicitly political during the Stonewall riots of 1969. Rufo notes that “Drag performers increasingly saw their vocation as political and started street organizations such as Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries in order to join the wave of activism rising through their communities in New York, San Francisco, and other hubs.” 

The next critical turn occurred in 1990, with the publication of Gender Trouble, by the queer theorist Judith Butler as her writings ushered in gender deconstruction – and gender fluidity.  

Biology was shunned, distorted, and ignored. 

Queer theorist Sarah Hankins conducted research in drag bars and surmised, “The act of paying a dominant/domineering woman, a male supplicant, a hapless wage slave, or a boy allows the audience member to temporarily embody one or more of a number of ‘bad/unnatural’ social positions, for instance the pedophile, the closeted gay chicken-hawk, the predatory female cougar, the sugar daddy or momma, even the sexualized youth/child themselves.” And the performance seeks to subvert taboos against “pedophilia, necrophilia, erotic object fetishism, and human–animal sex.” 

Enter RuPaul, the modern drag queen movement. “Television producers packaged this new form of drag as reality programming, softening the image of the drag queen and assimilating the genre into mass media and consumer culture,” writes Rufo. 

Rufo’s article continues, “This provided an opportunity. As the queer theorists’ vanguard intellectual project was running aground on incest and bestiality fantasies, the most enterprising among them took a different tack: using the commercialization of drag and the goodwill associated with the gay and lesbian rights movement as a means of transforming drag performances into “family-friendly” events that could transmit a simplified version of queer theory to children.” 

The version of the exuberance drag queen with a heart to promote diversity and inclusion is planned propaganda – diabolical puffery.  

Enter Professor Harris Kornstein (drag queen stage name Lil Miss Hot Mess), board member of Drag Queen Story House, author of the children’s book, “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish,” and coauthor of “Drag Pedagogy: The Playful Practice of Queer Imagination in Early Childhood,” a manifesto for the trans movement and indoctrination/sexualization of children. 

Folks, the above article (in the written words of drag queens themselves) rips the façade off of library story hour and reveals the hidden agenda which is indoctrinating and grooming young children. 

Kornstein and coauthor Harper Keenan, a female-to-male transgender queer theorist at the University of British Columbia, propose a new teaching method, “drag pedagogy,” as a way of stimulating the “queer imagination,” teaching kids “how to live queerly,” and “bringing queer ways of knowing and being into the education of young children.”  

The gloves are off and the secret society of the trans movement is no longer lurking in the shadows. 

“After the norms of gender, sexuality, marriage, and family are called into question, the drag queen can begin replacing this system of values with “queer ways of knowing and being.” Kornstein and Keenan make no bones about it: the purpose of what they call drag pedagogy, or the “pedagogy of desire,” is about reformulating children’s relationship with sex, sexuality, and eroticism,” Rufo writes.  

Rufo exposes the covert mission of the radical drag queen movement. The goal is not to reinforce the biological family, but rather to facilitate the child’s transition into a queer lifestyle of transgenderism – and to destroy the traditional family and foundational values. 

“Of course, the organizers of Drag Queen Story Hour understand that they must manage their public image to continue enjoying access to public libraries and public schools,” writes Rufo. 

Kornstein and Keenan dismiss inclusion and acceptance as mere marketing tools and as a coverup for indoctrinating children. “The philosophical and political project of queer theory has always been to dethrone traditional heterosexual culture and elevate what Rubin called the “sexual caste” at the bottom of the hierarchy: the transsexual, the transvestite, the fetishist, the sadomasochist, the prostitute, the porn star, and the pedophile.” 

I want to thank Christopher Rufo for his research and the resulting eye-opening article that exposes the radical and harmful agenda of the brainwashing ideology of the transgender drag queen movement for the takeover of the minds and bodies of our children.  

Please share Rufo’s article on social media and send a link to your state representatives, state attorney general, public and school library directors, school staff and board members, parenting organizations, pediatricians, psychologists, childcare professionals and local churches. Citizens must unite to protect the children. 

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