PORTSMOUTH, OH – She’s baaack… I chuckled at what Stephen Kruiser exclaimed in his recent commentary at JP Media. “Since Donald Trump dispatched her via the brilliance of the United States Constitution and the Electoral College, Hillary has a habit of going underground for months at a time, then barfing her presence all over any media outlet she can find for several weeks.”
Matt Margolis, from PJ Media, weighed in: “The twice-failed presidential candidate issued her warning in a video posted to Twitter by Indivisible Guide, in which she urges voters to elect Democratic state legislatures because, you know, otherwise, Republicans might win… or something.”
“Right wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election,” snarls Hillary on Twitter.
It’s called projection – when you accuse others of what you are going to do. So, Hillary is telling us the Deep State cabal will try to steal the 2024 election – we already know that. Duh, Empress of Egregiousness.
I’m snickering again as Kruiser responds, “Back to Hillary’s obvious mental unwellness. She’s got the crazy eyes going again in the video. It never ceases to amaze me that Democrats don’t see that. Or maybe they do and they’re afraid of her. Whenever I see her, I can almost hear screams coming from her basement.” And he ponders on whether Hillary will clamor for another opportunity in 2024.
I’m cringing at the idea of Hillary running another campaign. No doubt, Frau Clinton believes she is entitled to a future wanna-be dictatorial presidency in the White House. Moreover, she’s probably writing her version of a Socialist/Communist/Fascist/Marxist Manifesto for the deplorables.
The Queen of Mean desires to become the Wicked Witch of the West Wing, but her broom is frayed by past defeats and her book of spells is tattered by failure. Like the American public, perhaps Lucifer is done with her as well.
Peruse my former column on Frau Clinton: Will Hillary Hypocrite Clinton Run For 2024 Democrat Presidential Candidate?
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